Starship Template

This template is for the creation of Starships. It can also be applied to Space Stations and Smaller Crafts. It was updated in 2021.

====== Ship Name (this line becomes the page title) ======
**Ensure your article is in the wip:namespace**

🚧 This article is a work in progress. Is it not currently approved

⚠️A condensed version of all the article's information should go here in no shorter than one paragraph. Include Manufacturer, Years Produced, Current Users, and a short description of the vehicle.

⚠️**Please note the [[|RP Requirements]] for creating starships!**

==== Nomenclature Information ====
⚠️**All the relevant information at a glance goes here for ease of reading should go here. Add links where applicable.**

^   Ship Class Name   ^^
|  >>Optional Image<<  ||
|  **Year Created:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Faction:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Designer / Manufacturer:**  |  [[X]]  |
|  **Nomenclature:**  |  X  | 
|  **Role:**  |  X  |
|  **DRv3 Tier:**  |  TX-X  |
|  **Production:**  |  X  |
|  **Price:**  |  X-DA/KS  |   

⚠️ **Reference Sheet: Delete This Section Before Submission:**⚠️

  * Year Created: (YE it was created)
  * Designer/ Manufacturer: (Person(s), Group or Company, etc Responsible For ships Design and/or Manufacture)
  * Nomenclature: [[international:standard_product_nomenclature_system|Nomenclature System Found Here]]
  * Type: (Type Of ship, ie; corvette, destroyer, carrier, battleship, etc)
  * Role: (Role Of ship, ie; Recon, transport, capital ship, ect)
  * DRv3 Tier: [[guide:damage_rating_v3|]] (Armor rating of ship) 
  * Production: (Prototype, Limited Production, Mass Production)
  * Price: (Base Price for Item. Include appropriate currency type.)

⚠️**If unsure about DRv3 category leave it blank and request the reviewer assign damage.**

===== History =====
⚠️**Insert the In-character reason for designing the ship in no shorter than one full paragraph. Include the following relevant information in the process:**

  * Basic IC history behind the reason for creating/designing the ship. 
  * Relevant persons/people included in the process (include links).
  * Relevant groups/factions/corporations/companies who aided in its design or that the ship is intended for use by (include links).
  * Where the ship was used in RP (include links/list if applicable)

===== Description =====
⚠️**Describe the ship. What does the ship offer that makes it special?**

==== Mission Specialization ====
⚠️**What are good uses of this ship?**

  * Specialization 1
  * Specialization 2

==== Appearance ====
⚠️**Describe the basic appearance for the vehicle as you would to an artist to commission art. If there is art include at least one piece of it here for reference.**

==== Passengers ====
Crew: XX operators are recommended, XX are required.

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for XX people. About XX people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.

==== Dimensions ====

⚠️**See** [[| Here]] **for a general guide.**
  * Length: XX meters (XX feet)
  * Width: XX meters (XX feet)
  * Height: XX meters (XX feet)
  * Decks: XX (XX meters each)
  * Crew: ⚠️How many are needed to crew the vehicle
  * Maximum Capacity: ⚠️How many can be in or on the vehicle
  * Passenger Capacity: ⚠️If it has any

==== Propulsion and Range ====

⚠️**Please note that some factions have specific standards for starships speeds. Please consult your FM if you are unsure.**
  * Continuum Distortion Drive: ⚠️NOTE: This is the speed of faster-than-light if using CDD>
  * Hyperspace Fold Drive: ⚠️NOTE: Same as above, but with Hyperspace Fold>
  * Sublight Engines: ⚠️NOTE: This is the speed using traditional engines>
  * Range: ⚠️NOTE: Range is how long a vessel can go without resupply/refueling>
  * Lifespan: ⚠️Estimated service lifetime of ship>
  * Refit Cycle: ⚠️NOTE: How often the vessel needs to visit a shipyard to stay operational. 5 years for Yamataian military ships>

===== Inside the Ship =====

==== Deck Layout ====
⚠️**Chart of what is on each deck**

==== Compartment Layouts ====
⚠️**Some ideas for compartments are below. Consider creating or searching for separate starship-related sub-articles already created for starships for the section below.**

=== Bridge ===

=== Cargo Storage Areas ===

=== Crew Cabins ===

===== Ship Systems =====
==== Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems ====
⚠️**NOTE: See [[guide:damage_rating_v3|]] for more info on damage ratings**
==== Computers and Electronics ====
==== Emergency Systems ====
==== Life Support Systems ====
==== Propulsion ====
==== Shield Systems ====
==== Weapons Systems ====
⚠️**Main weapon, secondary weapon, and all other weaponry should be described here briefly in no less than one paragraph, listing all the weapons and some information about them and where they on the ship. You can also use the bellow template, a list, or use sub-headers to describe weaponry when/if applicable.**
^  Primary:  ^  [[Link to weapon here]]  ^
|  **Purpose:**  |  X  |
|  **Amount:**  |  X  |
|  [[guide:damage_rating_v3]]:  |  T-X  |
|  **Location:**  |  X  |
^  Secondary:  ^  [[Link to weapon here]]  ^
|  **Purpose:**  |  X  |
|  **Amount:**  |  X  |
|  [[guide:damage_rating_v3]]:  |  T-X  |
|  **Location:**  |  X  |

^  Point Defense:  ^  [[Link to weapon here]]  ^
|  **Purpose:**  |  X  |
|  **Amount:**  |  X  |
|  [[guide:damage_rating_v3]]:  |  T-X  |
|  **Location:**  |  X  |

===== Vehicle Complement =====
==== Shuttles ====
==== Fighters ====

OOC Information

For a list of other templates, see: Templates