Faction Template

This is meant to be a template for creating a new faction in the setting.

====== Faction Name (This line becomes the page title)======

⚠️A condensed version of all the article's information should go here in no shorter than one paragraph. Include Manufacturer, Years Produced, and Current Users.

⚠️**General information about the faction goes here. Give a basic description no fewer than one paragraph in length detailing your potential faction to possible readers/players.** 

^    Your Faction Name   ^^
| Image of your faction's flag and a description of it goes here.||
^  Capital  |  Capital goes here.  |
^  Population   |  Population goes here.  |
^  Head of State  |  Head of State goes here.  |
^  Government Type  |  Government Type goes here.  |
^  Formation  |  Year of Formation goes here.  |
^  Current Year  |  Current year goes here.  |
^  Currency   |  Currency goes here.  |

==== History ====
⚠️**Link to the history page goes here. Be as detailed as possible in describing the lore and foundation upon which your faction to build upon. It will be what players learn first about it and will remember if/when creating content or RPing in your faction. 
===== Pros and Cons of this faction.=====

⚠️**Give examples of both in-character good examples and flaws of this faction:**

==== Culture ====
⚠️**Link to the culture page goes here.**

===== Recruiting =====
⚠️**Information about joining this faction goes here.**

==== Join Us! ====
⚠️**Link to your faction's character creation guide here. A character creation guide should contain as much as possible in regards to all of the factions' potential lore and information combined into one page in a coherent and concise format to guide players in creating a character.**

A CCG should contain at least:

  *Background information for a character's potential history and motivations.
  *Gender and species options.
  *Links to potential militaries or groups the character might be a part of.
  *Links to relevant lore pages.
  *Descriptions of names and surnames to give examples to players.
  *Descriptions of average hair, and eye color. Height and other characteristics.
  *Lists or separate pages for equipment relevant to or available to a character.
  *Backlinks to other relevant pages.
  *Examples of other in-faction characters or NPCs.

===== Information =====
⚠️**Description of the links to important faction sub articles goes here.**

==== Incorporated Species ====
⚠️**Link to the species involved in this faction.**
⚠️**Please follow the [[guide:creating_a_species]] if creating a new species. No-new human or //human but slightly different// species are currently being accepted and may be rejected.** 
==== Government ====
⚠️**Link to government page(s) goes here.**

==== Treaties and Diplomacy ====
⚠️**Treaties and diplomacy description goes here as an introduction to the list of items to be found below.**

==== Territory ====
⚠️**The planets, systems, and location articles for the faction go here.**

===== More About This Faction =====
⚠️**Description of the types of articles to be found below is put here.**

===== OOC Notes =====
**Ensure your article is in the wip:namespace**

🚧 This article is a work in progress. Is it not currently approved.