Table of Contents

Kepler III

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The least hazardous of all the inner system planets, Kepler III still has dangerous volcanic activity and an non-breathable atmosphere.

Planetary Statistics

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Rotation and Revolution




Special Features

Heavy Volcanism

For a world with no possible habitation, Kepler III is a tectonically active world with abnormally active volcanoes that can be found throughout the surface. Possible exploitation of the world will have to be done with these in mind.

KP3 Planetary Ring

A debris field of methane ice and stellar dust, the KP3 Planetary Ring orbits the world at a radius of 243,320 kilometers and a period of 384 hours.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/07/15 18:19 by Abwehran Commander.