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Geography of Abwehr

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress.

Comprised of seven continents of various sizes, the planet of Abwehr is divided up into 24 Regions each administrated by a Herzog1) and their representatives. Regions are further divided into Provinces, which are each administrated by a Baron, with Provinces divided into Counties, each administrated by a Graf2).


The central Continent of Abwehr, the Kapital continent is home to the Capital Region and City of the planet. Due to its importance to the Abwehran people, the Kapital continent got away with relatively light kinetic bombardment.

Regions of Kapital


The North-Western Continent of Abwehr, Drachenheim was founded in the mid-Great Conflict Era and has been well known for its high population of reptilian predators. Drachenheim suffered little to no kinetic bombardment due to the efforts of the Weltraumflotte during the Pirate Wars.

Regions of Drachenheim


One of two of the largest Continents on Abwehr, Schildländer largely consists of undeveloped and unused land. Because of this, the continent is often seen as an investor's paradise. It takes up the majority of the western hemisphere.

Regions of Schildländer


The second continent considered one of the Largest on Abwehr, Wiegeheim is the “cradle” of Abwehran civilization. Because of this, it is one of the more populated continents compared to the rest of the planet. It was also the target of a vast majority of kinetic bombardment during the Pirate Wars. It takes up the majority of the Eastern Hemisphere.

Regions of Wiegeheim

Continent-sized or Multi-Continental Regions

On the planet of Abwehr, there are three continent-sized regions that, while lightly populated, hold major cities that are considered priceless due to events in the Pirate Wars. Kron der Welt region is an arctic region that spreads along the northern most parts of the Drachenheim, Koniginland, and Wiegeheim continents.

List of Regions

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/06/03 09:30 by Abwehran Commander.
