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Großartige Festung (Region)

Basic Information
Population: ~2,003,000,000
Cultures: Unified Abwehran Culture
Landed Title: Herzog(in)1) der Großartige Festung
:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

(space reserved for map)

Map Legend
Province/County Map Label
Reichlich Länder 1
Hafenstadt 1a
Sterntor 1b
Erstetor 1c
Stahl Werke 1d
Malerei von Natur 1e
Eisen Tief 2
Eisen Hügel 2a
Zweitetor 2b
Unartstadt 2c
Alt Festung 3
Stahl Höhen 3a
Nordentor 3b
Großartige Festung (city) 3c
Altstadt 3d
Südentor 3e
Azurn Schöne 3f
Letzteburg 4

Named for its natural terrain features, Großartige Festung is literally a natural, region-sized fortress made strong by Abwehran engineering. Historically, the region was settled in the middle of the Great Conflict Era2). During that time, it was the site of many conflicts between the Oberflache Reich and the Unterwelt Reich. While the continent of Wiegeheim was where the majority of the conflicts, the Großartige Festung region of the Neue Continent3) had conflicts that seemed bloodier by comparison. During the After Conflict Era, the Region became home to the planetary government’s capital, also named Großartige Festung (City).

Proclaimed to be unconquerable, both city and region stayed that way until the Bloodless War, when specialists penetrated the corrupt and tyrannical organization in charge and caused its downfall from the inside. The region was then a beacon of peace and prosperity for centuries before the Pirate Wars, claiming to have the largest population on the planet. Kinetic bombardment during the Pirate Wars, ravaged the region though. Entire counties in Großartige Festung were depopulated by either bombardment or evacuation. Much of the region would have been left devastated had it not been for the valiant vessels of the Weltraumflotte. While still considered the most populous region on the planet, the Abwehran people began to develop widely spread towns and cities with dense populations and fortified structures as a result of the Pirate Wars.

Today, the counties that were ravaged have been re-terraformed and revitalized, though many do not have the populations they used to hold. The majority of the regions population lies in the Capital City of Großartige Festung, where approximately 2 billion citizens make their home.

Provincial Information

The Großartige Festung region is divided into three separate provinces and a single independent County.

Reichlich Länder

Landed Title: Baron(in) der Reichlich Länder

Literally considered a merchant’s paradise, Reichlich Länder is the southernmost province of Großartige Festung. Home of the largest expanse of ports, the largest space port, and some of the most abundant ore deposits on the continent of Kapital, if not the world, Reichlich Länder is also one of the smallest provinces of the region. Not really heavily populated, the region boasts a large amount of automation and very few actual inhabited cities. It also suffered the least amount of damage over all in the Pirate Wars due to its richness of wealth.


Eisen Tief

Landed Title: Baron(in) der Eisen Tief

The province of Eisen Tief is centrally located in the region and contains two of the most lucrative counties in the region. It is also one of several provinces that has remained untouched by the desolation of war. Because of this, Eisen Tief is both currently and historically the most peaceful province in all of Abwehr.


Alt Festung

Landed Title: Baron(in) der Alt Festung

Named Old Fortress in the Volksprache, the Alt Festung Province was, and still is, the most heavily settled province on Abwehr before the Pirate Wars. Heavy Kinetic Bombardment upon the county of Altstadt has caused the population of the province to focus on the city of Großartige Festung (City) than in any other county. Alt Festung also has three of the most infamous Fortress Counties on the planet.


Independent Counties

Environmental Information

Latitude Sub-Tropical to Tropical
Humidity Semi-humid to Humid

Surrounded by natural obstacles on all sides, mountains to the north, west, and east with ocean to the south, Großartige Festung could easily have been a desert region if it had not been for the humid ocean breezes coming in from the tropical southern areas of the region.


Primarily, Großartige Festung is considered to be a Temperate Broad-leaf Forest biome along the southern edges of the Alt Festung Province and the entirety of the Eisen Tief province. The southern province of Reichlich Länder is entirely comprised of a Tropical Rainforest biome. The northern independent county of Letzteburg is entirely comprised of a Mountain Forest biome.

Local Flora / Fauna

While many species of Flora and Fauna were transferred over from the continent of Wiegeheim to the region Großartige Festung during the early days of colonization, there are many native species of the region that still survive and thrive to this day.



Rumors and Events

The following are events and rumors of potential role-playable situations that can be found in the Großartige Festung region.

:!: For anyone wanting to add Events and Rumors to this article, please contact Abwehran Commander for details and permission. :!:

Yearly Events

Event Name Abwehran Date6) Standard Date7) Planetary/Regional/Provincial/County Event description
Founding Day 01/04/03 04/05 Planetary The day the Abwehran Star Empire was officially founded.
Unity Festival 02/04/12 04/23 Planetary Though originally a holiday made by the Verdienstorden, the Unity Festival is still celebrated for the union of the two Abwehran races.
Bloodless War Anniversary 01/01/02 01/03 Planetary The anniversary of the Bloodless War's end. It is also known as the People's Independence Festival.
Bombardment Memorial Week 04/10/05 10/09 Planetary A week of mourning and remembrance for those lost in the Pirate's kinetic bombardments of Abwehr.


Rumor Title Location Rumor description
Pleasure City Crime Unartstadt A Recreation Center has been considered the center of an illegal narcotic Smuggling ring, though some Sentient Trafficking might be involved too.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2014/11/16 15:19 by Abwehran Commander.

approximately 2500 Before the Yamatai Empire
now known as the Kapital Continent
and sometimes Abwehran children
often the size of small houses
Month-Day, skips 4 years