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:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.
Population ~351,000
Landed Title Graf(in) von Hafenstadt

Hafenstadt is literally a series of port cities dotting the expanse of the southern Großartige Festung coast. Stretching from the eastern mountain range to the western mountain range, the county pulls in most of its wealth from continental trade. Two of the largest naval bases are also located in this county, built into the cliff-sides of both east and west mountains.

Brief History of Hafenstadt

One of the first locations in the region to be colonized due to the numerous natural harbors, Hafenstadt was initially colonized by the ??? Reich in the mid-Great Conflict Era (~### Before the Yamataian Empire).

Important Locations

Cities, Towns, Historic Sites, and Natural Landmarks located in the County of Hafenstadt.



The Capital of the County and the Largest Port on Abwehr, …

Historic Sites


A historic battlefield from the Pirate Wars, …

Recreational Sites


A luxury resort set right upon the beach, …

Natural Landmarks

??? River Delta

The ??? River Delta is …

Military Sites


A naval base built into the cliff face of the ??? coastal mountain range, …


A naval base built into the cliff face of the ??? coastal mountain range, …

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2014/11/30 16:42 by Abwehran Commander.