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Dranicalius System

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This is a system in the north east part of the Kikyo Sector that is home to seven planets. Four of these planets are inhabited by the Dokavor, the two planets closest to the sun, one of the ones in the middle of the system and the furthest away from the star.

Star Data

The star of the Dranicalius system is a Blue giant star. Below are statistics for the star.

Planetary Data

There are seven planets in this system. Below is their statistical information.

Planetary Overview
Order Name Type Radius Distance
1 Helianios Prime Terra 6378.1 mi 57.9 million km
2 Helianios Dexious Terra 6078.1 mi 149.6 million km
3 Olian Gas Giant 24764 mi 778.3 million km
4 Kanin Rock 6900 mi 1,427.0 million km
5 Ovianik Gas Giant 20500 mi 2,871.0 million km
6 Sanas Ice Giant 1000 mi 4,497.1 million km
7 Xillia Ice Giant 1800 mi 5,913 million km

Helianios Prime

FIXME The homeworld of the Dokavor.

More information: Helianios has the largest city of the Dokavor and is the main hub for most of the Dokavor activities.

Helianios Dexious

FIXME The first colonized world for the Dokavor and the new research centre for the Dokavor.

More information:The Dokavor have moved all their scientific research to this planet, creating large labs to work in.



More information: A large gas planet that has no value.



More information: The planet's surface is very dangerous, with a lot of volcanoes and dangerous fissures. The Dokavor created a set of new mining facilities are on this planet that allow them to stay alive and mine safely, as they had found that this planet had a high abundance of base metals. Their is a large mining complex on the planet with everything that the colony needs to survive. The moons have some facilities that are used as an early warning system for the main complex.



More information: A large gas planet that has no value with moons that also have no value compared to Kanin.



More information: This planet is uninhabited and inhospitable.



More information: This planet is uninhabited and inhospitable, but the Dokavor have created a large prison complex that use the planet's natural cold environment to keep the prisoners in line. Their are one thousand guards, with two thousand prison, one thousand five hundred of which are in a forced hibernation state.

OOC Notes

Bloodyscarlet created this article on 2019/06/17 05:17.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.