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Arkan System

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The Arkan System is situated about 135 lightyears south-east from the Yamatai Star System right inside a big green nebula. It is a big star system with two inhabitable worlds and the home system of the sargon_nation.

Star System Data



Arkan, the central star of the system and it's namesake, is quite similar to Yamatai Star, just a bit bigger and colder.

Planets and Asteroid Belts

Juron / Arkan I

Juron is the planet closest to Arkan and due to it's lack of any magnetic field or atmosphere highly radiated. Except for some basic scans during flybys it has never been explored and no one has ever actually set foot on it's surface.

Taron / Arkan II

Taron has barely enough gravity to keep at least a trace of an atmosphere, that mainly consists of oxygen and hydrogen. Due to this combination it actually has water, but in vaporized form. Only at the bottom of some craters near the poles some small lakes of liquid water can be found.

Although some exploratory missions have landed on Taron in the past no permanent outpost or settlement has ever been founded.

Ronon / Arkan III

Ronon is a harsh, violent world. It only rotates about ten times within its orbital period which leads to very hot temperatures on it's day side and devastating cold temperatures on it's night side. These differences in temperature again and despite it's barely existing atmosphere cause deadly storms in the mornings and evenings of Ronon's long days.

Despite these conditions the Sargonides established a colony on the planet to exploit its rich mineral deposits. Furthermore the Ronon colony, due to it's mineral abundance and safe location way inside the Arkan system, harbors the main shipyard of the Sargonide Fleet, making the colony mainly a military establishment.

Kraxis / Shenon / Arkan IV

Kraxis is a more comfortable world than the system's main world Sargon, except for the sometimes extreme tides caused by the two large moons that accompany the planet. In -108 GA the surviving followers of the Krax Order were banished to this world and have then renamed it after their god Krax. By now they have grown to almost half a billion people again, who vainly seek vengeance from the infidels for over a century now. For although they may be allowed to live their way on Kraxis by the Sargon Nation, any attempt to leave the planet or reach it is prevented by a considerable task force of the Sargonide Fleet, which enforces a strict quarantine over the planet.

Targ Keldur

The asteroid belt of Targ Keldur separates the orbits of Sargon and Kraxis and is home to extensive mining operations of the Sargon Nation. In fact it's the main source of many raw materials that feed the Sargonide industry.

Sargon / Laron / Arkan V

SEE: Sargon

Sargon is the main inhabited world in the Arkan System and a cold and devastated world. It is orbited by many artifical satellites as well as orbital industry, which is mainly solar plants and orbital farms to feed Sargon's population.

Ziron / Arkan VI

Ziron is the biggest rock planet of the Arkan system and actually host native microscopic life forms. It's three moons are all very small, only asteroids caught by the planets gravity.

There are several research facilities located on the planet as well as on all of the moons, that do possible dangerous research in areas like energy and weapons technology. Some of them located on Ziron's surface are dedicated to biological research, that may lay the foundations for possible future terraforming by the Sargon Nation.

Kelon / Arkan VII

The innermost gas giant of the Arkan system is orbited by several gas mining stations that support the Sargon Nation with large amounts of gases, especially hydrogen to fuel the fusion reactors that are it's main power source.

Kelon's moon's are currently explored for possible exploitation.

Gunon / Arkan VIII

Gunon is unique in the Arkan System for its revolution is reversed. The reason for this anomaly is unknown and the question how Gunon actually keeps it's orbital speed is a cause for constant headaches for Sargonide cosmologists.

Gunon's reversed revolution in combination with Helon's normal revolution is assumed to be responsible for the creation of the asteroid belt Targ Fedur. The assumption is that a former rock planet has been torn apart by Gunon's and Helon's gravitational forces.

Targ Fedur

Targ Fedur is something like the border of the Sargon Nation for there are no Sargonide installations beyond it's orbit except for The Corridor. There is only little mining activity in this asteroid belt because Targ Keldur is in a much better location to support Sargon's industry. There is, however, the construction of an extensive sensor network going on by the Sargonide Fleet to support the system defense.

Helon / Arkan IX

Even among gas giants Helon is a giant and its massive gravity has many impacts on the Arkan system's orbital mechanics. But other than that and it having the most moons in the system Helon is actually rather unremarkable.

Juranon / Arkan X

Juranon is almost as big as Helon but the real impressive thing about it is it's ring system. It actually doesn't have one but two ring systems of ice asteroids that are at a tilt of about 20° to each other.

Juranjuron / Arkan XI

The outermost planet of the Arkan system is rarely visited but everyone who has seen it up close agrees that Juranjuron is probably the most beautiful planet of the system. It's clouds have a wide spectrum of colors and where they swirl they for gigantic mandala-like plays of colours.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2014/10/17 09:20 by Rattenkind.