Table of Contents

Ke-Z4-250mm Countermeasure Missiles


Designed in tandem with the Naginata-Class Battlecruiser to be fired from the Ke-C13-W3700 Launcher system


Utilizing the same missiles from the Izanagi-class Dreadnought's Ke-B5-W3906 Type 39 250mm Heavy Anti-Mecha Missile Rack, instead of mounting explosive warheads they mount a variety of jamming and decoy countermeasures. Can be fired from any launcher capable of firing Ke-B5-W3906 250mm missiles.

Ke-Z4-250mm Countermeasure Missile Varieties

Ke-Z4-1A 250mm Electro-Gravitic Countermeasure Missiles

Ke-Z4-2A 250mm Anti-Laser Countermeasure Missiles

Ke-Z4-3A 250mm Electronic Warfare Missiles


Who uses this thing and how is it used? How should it be used?

OOC Notes

Locked 0ut created this article on 2022/12/27 10:25.

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