Table of Contents

Electron Drill Missile SEM



History and Development

Designed by Kage Yaichiro, the Electron Drill Missile was designed to be useful in attacking vessels with stores of positrons aboard, or to just fry circuitry of enemy ships. He then designed this, an SEM designed to store and fire the missiles from a Sakura or Plumeria-class vessel.

Basic Description

This is an SEM designed to be able launch electron Drill Missiles, as well as store them. It also carries out the standard functions of an SEM, such as having Positron Railguns with which to fight, and assisting in generating the CFS, the the shielding and propulsion abilities which it permits.

The SEM can store as many as forty missiles, along with its two EDM Launchers.

Weapons Systems

Ke-S3-W2901 Positron Accelerator Cannon (1)

This weapon is one of the standard Sakura Railguns normally found on the default nacelles of the ship, placed on the SEM so as not to leave it undefended.

Below is the weapon, taken directly from the Sakura's technical data.

These cannons function as deadly antimatter railguns, firing massive 2000kg compressed positron shells at near-light speeds. Each railgun fires a subspace pulse (to provide shield penetration effects) which is used to provide short-term encasement to a packet of compressed positrons (which are suspended with electromagnetic fields until leaving the cannon). The positrons annihilate electrons they come in contact with, thus destabilizing and destroying molecules, and creating a surge of energy through the target. Anti-matter weapons should not be used in atmospheres.

Electron Drill Missile (40)

Electron Drill Missile

This missile is used to drill into the hull, and pump bursts of electrons into the vessel, overloading electronics, and destrying key systems. its secondary function is to detonate Positron weapons stores in an antimatter reaction–inside the enemy vessel.

Other Systems


There are two sections of Zesuaium-reinforced Yamataium Armor with Xiulurium coating, one for the top half and one for the bottom half of the SEM.

HSCS conduits and Passageways

The SEM contains passage ways to permit travel between the Sakura and the SEM, lined with HSCS conduit. While the SEM lacks HSCS fluid or nodal capability on its own, it can utilize such systems from the Sakura it is linked to.

The passageways have thick walls made of Zesuaium-reinforced Yamataium and Yarvex mesh, as well as Zesuaium-reinforced Yamataium bulkheads half a meter thick every ten meters down the corridor. These are normally open, but can be programmed as needed. They can be used to prevent depressurization, lock certain people or people below a given rank out of the SEM, or trap an enemy lured into the corridor. These are under the control of the IES as well as the CO.

Aether Generator

The SEM has its own Aether Generator to supplement that of the Sakura. The Sakura does not lose power to the SEM, so SEM use does not prevent the Sakura from firing its Main Gun, for example. However, the Sakura can pull power from the SEM if needed for emergencies.

Capacitor Banks

The SEM relies on Aether Generators from the Sakura and itself to power the Capacitor Banks. The banks are linked to power any devices on board, which are continuously charged by the Aether generators. Rather than draw massive amounts of power at once for the SEM, they continuously charge, and when the capacitors are discharged, the banks are charged gradually again. The charging rate can be configured via IES, but the faster the rate, the more the drain of the Sakura’s and the SEM’s Aether generators.

Docking Ports

For emergencies such as when the Sakura is disabled, or other unforeseen instances, a small collection of docking ports can be found, meant for shuttles and Power Armors from the Sakura attached to it.

Life Support

The SEM has basic Life Support, specifically air scrubbers, oxygen tanks, water and ration storage. It is meant to be an emergency “life raft” of sorts, should the attached Sakura be destroyed, but lacks any form of engine capacity unless connected to an external computer. If engines are needed, shuttles can be connected to the unit, though acceleration will be very slow.

Quick Release

In an emergency, the Sakura can detach from the SEM in less than one second, and vice versa. However, this requires permission from the IES being disconnected, the highest ranking and surviving officer on the Sakura being disconnected, or the CO.

Self Destruct

With the potentially sensitive nature of the components of a module designed for any specific mission, it is possible to detach the vessel from a SEM and detonate it, using the Aether generator to overload and destroy the SEM.

Electron Drill Missile Lancher (2)

One in the fore and one in the rear, these launchers can fire the missiles at a rate of 2 per second each. They are very simple, little more than force-field shielded launch pads for the missiles, so they can be used for other things if needed.