Table of Contents


The Qi are an NPC species created by Andrew and Yuuki.

About The Qi

The Qi (pronounced β€œChi”) are a humanoid race with distinctive feathered manes that form their head pelage, rather than fur or hair and extend down to the middle of their backs. They technically have primary and secondary feathers a lot like some avians, their primary feathers are soft serrated and more rigid often coming in gradient colors of white and another color. Their secondary feathers are often soft, fluffy downy-type feathers that create most of the insulation. They evolved on a temperate planet during an age of glaciation where the habitat zone hugged the equatorial zone.

They are shorter than humans and are generally more agile, their movements smooth and their motor skills very precise. Their skin colors tend to be either pale or light tan, pigmentation in the darker ranges is rare and is generally the sign of dietary deficiencies. They tend to be weaker than the average humanoid, which makes them heavily reliant on their highly developed technologies, their ability to create biosynthetically engineered species and the subjugation of other races for protection. What they generally lack in strength, they make up for in their intelligence and speed.


The Qi have a highly developed humanoid physiology with some unique features.

Common Physical Attributes
Hands and Fingers Opposable thumbs with three digits 0.8x human length, four knuckles, talons on thumbs
Teeth Flat, herbivore denture
Pelage Feathers; Head and Halfway down Spine.
Ears Small internal ears with a feather-covered hole on either side of the head.
Eyes Rounded, slightly larger than human
Height 127cm (4'2β€œ) to 152cm(5'0”)
Weight 50kg-60kg
Body Pigmentation
Skin (Common) White, Light Tan
Feathers (Common)White with black gradient(Uncommon) White with blue-grey gradient (Rare) Black with blue gradient
Eye (Common) Gold, Black, Blue

It is suspected that at some point in their evolution these creatures were capable of flight. That ability and their wings were likely lost during some of the more intense periods of glaciation which defeated their need to soar through the skies.

The Qi Eye

The Qi have amazing eyesight, which developed in a similar evolutionary path to Eagle eyes. The back-side of their eyes is flatter, and they're able to adjust the curvature of their eyes to provide crystal clear focus. They have color vision with stunning resolution and their eyeballs move independently.

The Qi Sense of Smell and Taste

The Qi have an underdeveloped sense of smell, and their taste buds tend to be dull. They have a tendency to pick strongly spiced foods that they can detect more flavor and get more enjoyment from.

The Qi Sense of Hearing

The Qi have funnel-shaped ears covered by protective tufts of feathers. Their sense of hearing is very developed and have acute sound recognition abilities.

The Qi Intelligence and Strength

The Qi have highly developed brains. Their ability to visualize with precision pairs well with their advanced eyesight and their visual memory is very sophisticated. When paired with Artificial Intelligence assistance in interactions with technology, their intelligence, and visual ability becomes even more enhanced.

The Qi make amazing strategists, tacticians, and designers and have been able to advance the technology of their worlds to elevated plateaus, however, when it comes to the art of war they generally require the assistance of created or subjugated races to make up for their lack of physical strength. Combat Occupation Qi tend to rely more on their agility, speed, and flexibility rather than on actual physical strength.

The Qi Sexuality and Reproduction

The Qi are sexually dimorphic, there are males and females with the same method of humans. Qi females, however, lay eggs two to three days after they have been fertilized. Females are only ripe twice a year. Nesting culture in their advanced technology society has become a status symbol, the more elaborate the nests which have become a commercial industry, the more wealthy the household. Contraceptives and advanced medical services prevent or control unwanted pregnancies. Destroying eggs is a cultural taboo, although it does happen it is generally not something done publicly or discussed in social circles.

The young generally hatch four months after the eggs are laid. Qi offspring are very delicate and require care and assistance much like human younglings.

Life Span

The Qi have a relatively long lifespan, with the aid of their current technology levels the average lifespan is one hundred and twenty years. Males and Females tend to live the same length of time. Females are only fertile from the ages of seventeen to twenty-six, while males are sexually viable from th age of sixteen to fifty.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2020/02/04 04:13.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.