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Pack Roach

Pack roaches are a fast moving, highly aggressive, highly venomous, highly intelligent pack hunting predator capable of actively and intentionally mimicking pheremones of other species, firing high velocity venomous spines capable of punching through body armor, and coordinating their attacks. They are generally considered a major threat to NDC infantry squads, with or without power armor support, and a moderate threat to light power armor and civilian mecha, as they are known to engage targets several times their size. They commonly prey upon Mishhu and any other species they come into contact with.


These aggressive, highly venomous pack hunting insectoids feature the capability of slinging venom laced barbs at their foe with enough force to cut through most body armor at close range. They are known to mimic pheremones of their prey, and communicate by both audible and pheremone based means to coordinate attacks. Their venom is a potent hemodegenerative neurotoxin that ensures rapid takedown of prey many times larger than themselves. Each pack roach can grow to between 1 and 2 meters in length, and weigh well over 500 kg. Pack roaches often travel in groups between fifteen and fifty, and can and will engage multiple targets before calling for assistance. Large groups of pack roaches are noted as being dangerous to power armor supported infantry squads. It is also noteworthy that when large prey is available, several packs are known to work together.

Pack roaches are not known to “show” themselves to a target before engaging, at least from the same direction. If one is spotted on its own, it is notable that there is likely a pack nearby, already moving to surround the observer and engage. They can and will attack Neko squads, and will eat any and all kills.

It is possible to “tame” small groups of pack roaches by removing the tendrils responsible for their ability to fling spines, and the venom glands in them, which makes them far more docile, trainable, and capable of pack bonding with other species. No other method of even partial domestication has been found at this time.

Recommendation: Hunt at own risk. Do not engage if possible. Where there is one, they are legion. If engagement is necessary. Establish fire superiority before retreating.


Pack roaches were first encountered by the Yamatai Star Empire as known to be a common food animal on Sirris VI as mentioned in the documentation on flora and fauna found here. It is not presently known if they are another invasive species or if they actually evolved, here. Otherwise, not much is known about pack roaches and their place in the galactic ecosystem.

However, due to the fact that they can be tamed and rendered trainable by removing the spine flinging tentacles and venom glands between six and eight weeks after hatching, pack roaches have found a place in the NDC as guard animals, large housepets, and exotic food animals.

Anatomy and physiology

Pack roaches are, at first glance, a reasonably normal hexapedal semi-insectoid life form, distinguished by a small head and large jaw of backwards facing needle like teeth. It is notable that the dorsal section of the roach is heavily armored, often with solid bone plates between three and six inches thick.

The rear four legs are used for locomotion and climbing, with the front pair located between the second pair being a pair of holding claws terminating in sharp hooks. Most of the pack roach is heavily armored, attributable to a hybrid endo/exoskeleton allowing surprising strength to mass ratios. The underbelly and some joints are the only unprotected portions of the roach.

Descending from the mid-upper back and connected directly to the brain stem are two tendrils that the roach can whip forward, allowing the tip to break the sound barrier and release a cluster of supersonic four inch long, one inch wide barbs, coated in potent hematoxic and neurotoxic venom cocktails. These barbs are modified hair follicles, and each “shot” averages four to six of these barbs, of the hundreds lacing the tip of the tentacle. Conversely, these tentacles can be wielded as venomous, piercing clubs.

The head of this creature does not contain the brain, and in stead mostly comprised of jaws, teeth, and sensory organs, including a large olfactory organ and highly advanced vomeronasal organ, along with a series of organs capable of consciously mimicking pheremones of percieved prey species1). The actual brain of this creature is in the mid-upper back, under the second dorsal plate and protected by a six inch thick bone shield, nestling it between one pair of lungs, of which this creature has two pairs. The pack roach's six chambered heart allows rapid oxygenation and a high resting blood pressure, augmenting a pack roach's strength and speed by using the circulatory system to assist the musculature.

Their stomach acid is extremely potent, acidic enough to resist testing by breaking down the test kits, and allowing the roach to consume and digest most fleshy tissue, or even digest advanced plastics and cause damage to metal.

Pack roaches reproduce sexually, with approximately a 50-50 male-female mix and no immediate way to identify male from female by other species. Gestation period is anywhere from two to six weeks, and they lay clutches of 5-10 eggs. These hatch into 25 cm long carnivorous larvae fed by adults regurgitating their hunts into the nest. Within six weeks pack roach larvae grow legs and begin to grow the distinct tendrils used by adults and the associated venom glands. By this point, they have normally grown to between 50 and 75 cm in length. By the time their adolescent phase is reached, and with it their placement into the pack hunting parties, they average between .85 and 1 meter in length, and continue growing into adulthood.


Pack roaches are highly aggressive ambush and engagement predators, with a distinct persistence aspect. Typically when engaging large groups of prey, they will intentionally use pheremone signals, audible signals, and hit and run tactics to incite panic in large groups of prey before staging a large attack.

Individual targets will usually be attacked hard and fast, often using shock and awe tactics to drive nearby groups of prey into traps set by the rest of the pack.

They are aggressive, intelligent, and fast thinking, capable of collaborating and communicating, with adaptive tactics. Generally, they are more aggressive when one of the pack is pregnant, and will drive prey and competition out of the best nesting grounds with the same attacks they use to neutralize larger groups of prey, and then defend these nests fiercely.

They generally prefer close quarters with effective concealment, and heavily forested areas with soft or sandy soil for nesting.

OOC Notes

Madi Harper created this article on 2022/08/21 18:31.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.
