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Kepler Microbial Life

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Similar to the Meltran Nanocrobes, Kepler Microbial Life are nanotechnological in nature but seem to be functioning in a different nature than those found on Meltra II.

Known Information About Kepler Microbial Life

Information that is known to scientists currently.

Microbial Reproduction

SEE: Nanocrobe Reproduction.

Microbial Wireless

Unlike Meltran Nanocrobes, Kepler Microbes operate on an ad hoc wireless network on a lower 10 to 12 Ghz as opposed to the frequencies near the 30 Ghz range. Because of this, they do not interfere too much with surface to orbit transmissions. However, that frequency range can interfere with surface communications. Data is stored onto actual physical servers, which are located under the ice within the Methane Seas. Servers and microbes are powered by the geothermal activity.


Kepler Microbial Life is essentially sentient nanotechnology. Because of this, they suffer from the weaknesses of computing systems and their accessories.

Unknown Information About Kepler Microbial Life

Information that must be found out via closer study.


Kepler Microbial Life, unlike Meltran Nanocrobes were seeded upon Kepler VI purposefully rather than accidentally. Because of this, there is less corruption in the microbial cloud by comparison. However, since they were seeded on the planet nearly 2,000 years before the formation of the Yamatai Star Empire, much of the data about their creators is buried deep within mountains of data with some actually being erased to make room for newer information.

Similarities to Meltran Nanocrobes

Kepler Microbial Life, while acting differently, is quite similar in construction to Meltran Nanocrobes. This is mostly due to the similarity of components as well as the the fact that reproduction is almost exactly the same. The only true difference between the two is that Kepler Microbes do not subvert technology like Nanocrobes do. Because of this, it may be theorized that Nanocrobe Subversion Protocols evolved based upon malfunctioning systems and corrupted coding.


The purpose of Kepler Microbial Life has already been partially fulfilled. The Kepler Microbial Life were designed specifically for two purposes: exploration and terraforming. However, since the probe that seeded them didn't crash, the exploration portion of the mission was obviously completed. However, there are signs of some terraforming occurring on Kepler VI. This is especially true with the increase of methane in the atmosphere.

OOC Notes

:!: Microbes are available for any exploration / scientific plot. :!:

This page was originally created on 2013/10/27 09:32 by Abwehran Commander.