Table of Contents

Tigers In The Mud (Plot)

Born in fire, galvanized in hatred, the citizens of the newly formed Yuukan Republic know not the luxuries of technological utopia. Their NMX predecessors were created to throw themselves upon the guns of the Yamatai by arcane monstrous overlords, and it is only by their own bloodied hands that they have almost freed themselves.

After five long years of fighting, there are still pockets of that abhorrent history remaining in their solar system, and many threats lying just beyond. Now more than ever the Yuukan government calls upon it's people to expand, look upwards, and take to the stars, before all that they have fought and died for stagnates and crumbles into nothing.

The YNNX 2nd Armoured Brigade, also known as the Yuukan Hell Horses, is an expansive mobile warfare unit charged to laying siege to the pockets of enemy resistance in the frozen north of Yuukan, outwards and beyond.

The second platoon of this brigade, under the command of Brigadier Schütz, is filled with the morally questionable and government scrutinized. It is up to them to clear their names, and prove their loyalty in the rolling thunder of battle.


Tigers In The Mud is an Open RP plot originally created Oct 20th, 2022 by Primitive Polygon, who is the current Game Master. Roleplay takes place primarily via SP, and players are expected to post frequently to keep things moving. Also, JPs may be scheduled from time to time (usually as character development interludes/asides).

This plot is all about playing card-carrying villains and zealous warriors of a fledgling military state, relying on cunning and asymmetrical warfare to succeed. Players are all YNNX Nekosoldat, indoctrinated soldiers of a genetically engineered but defective pedigree, all struggling to prove their worth. A high body count is to be expected.

There is no minimum age requirement to join, though it may heighten in future based on player requests.

RPG Rating:

Organization & Assets

The platoon currently has a complement of:

The following equipment is carried in the trucks:

Platoon Roster

Command Squad

Rank Name Position Player Notes
Brigadier Bernadette Schütz Infantry Officer GMPC A brooding steel-jawed soldier that leads from the front.
Aufseherin Lēi Nuò'ěr Political Officer Locked 0ut —–
Fähnriche Gertrude Mao Infantry Officer NPC Standard Bearer.
Fähnriche Yī sà Gong Infantry Officer NPC Bugler.
Weibel Franzetta Schäfer Guastatori NPC Communications/Drone Controller.
- Landsknecht Suǒ fēi yà Gu Auxiliary NPC Nurse.
Obergefreiter Matilda Lei-Francs Guastatori NPC Tank Driver.

Infantry Squad One

Rank Name Position Player Notes
Weibel Lenore Krause Infantry NPC Sergeant.
Bombardier —– Infantry NPC Corporal.
- Landsknecht Yao Propori'diyapatchta Infantry Charmaylarg Sniper.
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC

Infantry Squad Two

Rank Name Position Player Notes
Weibel Yīng gé bǎo Lin Infantry NPC Sergeant.
Bombardier —– Infantry NPC Corporal.
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC

Mobile Cavalry Squad (Airbikes)

Rank Name Position Player Notes
Bombardier —– Infantry NPC Corporal.
- Landsknecht Zelda Rose Infantry Immortal Cyan Aspiring Airbike Ace.
- Landsknecht —– Infantry NPC

Support Weapon Squad (35mm Machinegun)

Rank Name Position Player Notes
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Gunner.
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Loader.

Support Weapon Squad (Flame Thrower)

Rank Name Position Player Notes
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Gunner.
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Loader.

Artillery Weapon Squad (105mm Artillery Cannon)

Rank Name Position Player Notes
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Gunner.
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Spotter.
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Loader.
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Loader.


Rank Name Position Player Notes
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Command Car Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Weapons Team 1 Car Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Weapons Team 2 Car Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Infantry Squad 1 Transport Truck Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Infantry Squad 2 Transport Truck Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Guastatori NPC Heavy Weapons Team Transport Truck Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Auxiliary NPC Staff / Medical Transport Truck Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Auxiliary NPC Logistics Truck Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Auxiliary NPC Logistics Truck Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Auxiliary NPC Logistics Truck Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Auxiliary NPC Logistics Truck Driver.
- Landsknecht —– Auxiliary NPC Logistics Truck Driver.

Open Positions

Any standard platoon position is open! Unused roles will be filled by NPCs! Polygon wants you to just enjoy RPing what you'd want to RP!

This plot is open to any type of nefarious rough-around-the-edges characters as long as the writing is good!


Mission 1

Plot has not yet begun!

Rules & Pacing

  1. All members of the plot are expected to post as often as the plot permits, at least once every week or so.
  2. Do not wait on another player to post for more than four days.
  3. If you will be absent or cannot post as often as required, post notice in the OOC thread or drop us a line on Discord. Common courtesy goes a long way!
  4. Players who have not posted in more than four days may have their characters' actions posted or chosen by the GM to keep the plot moving.
  5. Players who have not posted in more than ten days, or have their characters do something really stupid and badly written, risk getting auto-hit by enemies. Their fate may be left ambiguous so that players can return, this just helps speed things along despite player absence.
  6. Characters should be wary of the draconian nature of the Yuukan government, or expect IC punishment. This is a plot about bad cats; But that means rolling with the punches, not being too cool to get in trouble!

OOC Notes

Primitive Polygon created this article on 2022/10/25 09:35.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.