Table of Contents

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.


Muffin Man is a chain of specialized bakeries throughout Nepleslian Space. Their primary product is obviously muffins though a store may use their kitchen in any way they see fit.

About the MUFFIN MAN


MUFFIN MAN was started by Dragovich Merkowski. An ID-SOL cloned by NAM specifically for the SMDIoN, he was rigorously trained for combat. His love of baking was discovered by a caretaker whom he had been assigned to assist as a remedial training. Baking exited Dragovich in a manner that combat could not, to be able to see his efforts become something that could be given to another in order to nourish them was something new and rewarding to him. Between missions he started spending more time in the ships galley refining his art and using his leave periods to search for new ingredients.

Having finished his term of service he moved. Purchasing a small plot of land he started to build his business. He would bring the morale that he had seen his fellow marines enjoy to the masses.

His goals started to become more known. Some would wish to join his crusade, many just wanted delicious muffins, but some wanted to see his work cast to the ground. But that was not a problem. He was a man of war before people started calling him the MUFFIN MAN.


The franchise works largely on a feudal style system. A prospective must work for a fully recognized Muffin Man and be recognized as having the qualifications worthy of receiving the title and will be trained in all the skills expected of them during this period. Once recognized as a fully fledged MUFFIN MAN he will then be sent out into the universe to establish his own shop.

your_company_logo (optional)


“Only the Best Muffin can cross my counter.”

General Information

CEO Dragovich Merkowski
Product Symbol Mm


MUFFIN MAN is headquartered out of Dragovich Merkowski's own bakery. That is not to say that the business logistics is handled there. Only that it is the spiritual center of the franchise. It is still the same small building that the business started out in. From this building many a MUFFIN MAN come to seek counsel, air their grievances, and present new ideas. Many of the items on the menus started as an idea pitched to Mekrowski followed by a simple statement, “Come, Make it and show me.”


Head Office: Dragovich Merkowski's bakery located in (Pending)

Center for Logistics: Located on P1-1

Commercial Office: Francia (Pending)

Branch Office:

Branch Office:




Flavors include

Current Products and Projects

MUFFIN MAN Training.

Phase 1: Admission

Anyone can walk into any of the various MUFFIN MAN compounds and declare they wish to be a MUFFIN MAN. This is followed by a battery of tests proctored by the on site MUFFIN MAN designed to judge if they have the potential to improve physically and mentally in order to progress through Phase 2 and 3 of training. If found lacking the aspirant will be told how to correct their deficiencies and turned away until they can pass the tests. Those that succeed will be sent with the delivery crews after their next fresh ingredient drop to the location.


Phase 2: Logistics Phase

Aspirants arrive at the Logistics Center on P1-1 Here they will be trained in the initial qualities necessary to continue the fine tradition MUFFIN MAN has started. This training will contain instruction ranging from identifying quality ingredients, maintaining freshness, Physical strengthening, Survival, and Combat. During this cycle of training aspirants will also work within the Logistics Center for hands on training. This phase has no set time. One may only move on to the next phase once they have been deemed qualified and ready.


Phase 3: Field Training

At this point the aspirant is sent out to gather ingredients. The normal areas for trainee deployment are normally the Northern Colonial Expanse of Nepleslia, though special requests can be made for areas to search and approved by the Head of Logistics. After an initial time of six months and quality returns a Trainee is judged to be a fully fledged employee. At this point they are given the option to continue to Phase 4 or to continue working logistics


Phase 4: Apprentice Phase

Once an employee has volunteered for becoming a fully recognized MUFFIN MAN they are found a prospective MUFFIN MAN to train under and sent to them with the next shipment of ingredients. While here they are apprenticed and expected to learn all aspects of what it means to be a MUFFIN MAN directly from a MUFFIN MAN. This Tutelage period lasts until either the MUFFIN MAN approves of the employee as a fellow MUFFIN MAN, sends the employee back to the Logistics Center to train further on basics, or the trainee requests to return to the Logistics Center. If recognized as sufficient by their trainer the employee will be sent to Dragovich Merkowski's shop itself for them to work along side him and show their skills and dedication for a short time while they decide where they will open their new shop.

OOC Information


Kinda how Id-Sols have a service requirement when cloned into existence by NAM. Guy does 10 years of war. Because Nepleslia always has some sort of war going. Buys out his contract then opens a muffin shop.

Muffin MAN: My shop carries many flavors. Tobacco, Taurine, Broken Glass, And if you're manly enough to not care what the street urchins think strawberry.

Luca wipes a manly tear from his eye

Luca eats Strawberry flavour.

Luca then proceeds to Bench Press a planet.

Muffin MAN: Picked fresh from a local deathworld. To insure freshness and that it wasn't tampered with. Retrieved them myself.

Luca fund it.

Muffin MAN:Be sure to support your local growers. They're part of the community.

Muffin MAN: My name is Dragovich Merkowski. But most people just call me the muffin MAN.

So Luca if it is a chain. There still needs to be the original muffin MAN bakery. And it totally needs to be a tiny mom and pop shop.

Luca which probably has would-be mob heavies strung up outside

Luca Because nobody can run from the Muffin MAN.

Muffin MAN: My humble store has never had a repeat offender.


Muffin MAN: I take almost as much pride in that as my selection of ingredients.

Luca That's probably what'd happen if you saw Muffin MAN smile.

I imagine Muffin MAN would fit in fine there.

Luca DB: Correct

Muffin MAN: Every store opened in my little chain is tested continuously to uphold the standards of conduct that I would expect from any muffin I would serve. From the employees training, to the choice of ingredients, to the very love of such a finely crafted delicacy.

Muffin MAN: You will not find a more dedicated group of chefs than those I allow to carry on my work.

This page was originally created on 2012/12/12 21:51 by Demonblooded.