
Soulite is the main material used by the Dokavor, it is a deep black metal that emits and absorbs high amounts of thermal radiation, the material actually emits high amount of heat that heats of the temperature of the surrounding area to be very high and then also absorbs the heat from the surrounding area allowing the metal to keep a steady high level of heat, that can be easily increased or decreased by changing the temperature of the surrounding area by making the area larger or smaller, adding heat by fires and/or other heat sources or subtracting heat but adding more cold or other things that absorb heat and don't emit that much heat from the area as well work.

More about Soulite

Soulite is used in a lot of different parts of the day to day life, as the metal is a hard but easily mold-able material.

OOC Notes

Bloodyscarlet created this article on 2019/06/09 06:36.

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