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Tank Helmet

The Tank Helmet is a piece of headgear designed to protect the wearer's head from impact and shrapnel when inside a tank or other armored vehicle. It is an essential piece of equipment for any tank crew operating in a combat zone.

Price: Nothing found. Varies by brand and model.


The Tank Helmet has been used by military forces around the galaxy for decades. The first Tank Helmets were made of steel and were designed to protect tank crews during World War II. Since then, the design has evolved to include newer materials such as Kevlar and advanced composites, making the helmets lighter, more durable, and more effective at protecting the wearer.

In the Star Army setting, Tank Helmets were first introduced in YE 37, with the advent of the new modular tank designs that required specialized equipment for the crew. Over time, Tank Helmets have become an integral part of any armored vehicle crew's gear.


The Tank Helmet is typically made of a hard, impact-resistant material such as Kevlar or composite materials. It covers the top and sides of the head, and features a thick padded interior for comfort and to absorb impact.

The helmet is designed to be worn with a built-in communication headset, which allows the wearer to communicate with other crew members inside the tank, as well as with ground forces outside the vehicle.

The Tank Helmet often features a retractable visor that can be lowered to protect the wearer's face from shrapnel and debris. The visor may also be equipped with a night vision device to allow the wearer to see in low light conditions.


The Tank Helmet is primarily used by tank crew members in combat situations. It provides protection from impact and shrapnel, as well as from the noise and vibrations inside the tank.

The built-in communication system allows crew members to stay in contact with each other and with other forces, enabling coordinated movements and quick responses to changing situations on the battlefield.

When not in use, the Tank Helmet should be properly stored in a clean and dry location, such as a locker or storage compartment inside the tank.

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2023/02/26 13:26.

This article was created by a member of the Star Army community, and is intended for use in Star Army, a science fiction roleplaying game. While inspired by real-world technology and history, the contents of this article are fictional and should not be taken as real-world advice or instructions.

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