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Load Carrying Equipment

Load Carrying Equipment, or LCE, refers to a set of gear designed to help soldiers carry and manage their equipment more efficiently. LCE includes items such as backpacks, pouches, belts, and other systems that are designed to distribute weight and provide easy access to gear.

LCE is often referred to as “webbing” or “kit” and is also sometimes referred to as Load Bearing Equipment (LBE).


The concept of LCE has been around since ancient times, when soldiers would carry their equipment in bags or pouches. As warfare became more complex, the need for organized and efficient load carrying became more important. During World War I, armies began using leather and canvas equipment to carry gear, and this evolved into the nylon-based systems used today.


LCE typically consists of a set of modular pouches, belts, and harnesses that can be customized to meet the specific needs of the soldier. These pouches can be attached to a base belt or harness, which distributes weight evenly across the body. The pouches are typically designed to hold items such as ammunition, grenades, radios, and other gear that a soldier may need to access quickly.

LCE systems are typically made of high-strength materials such as nylon, with reinforced stitching and other features designed to withstand the rigors of combat. Some LCE may have advanced features such as integrated power supplies, sensors, and communications gear.


LCE is used primarily by military personnel, but it has also found use in other fields such as law enforcement, search and rescue, and outdoor recreation. In military applications, LCE is designed to help soldiers carry their gear more efficiently, allowing them to move faster and operate more effectively in the field.

LCE is typically customized to meet the specific needs of each soldier, with different configurations of pouches, belts, and other gear based on the mission requirements. Soldiers are trained to use LCE effectively, and to adjust their gear as needed to maintain proper weight distribution and accessibility.

OOC Notes

In the Star Army setting, LCE can be used to enhance realism and immersion. It can be used to add an additional layer of strategy and planning to combat encounters, as players must consider the weight and accessibility of their gear when making tactical decisions.

Wes created this article on 2023/02/26 14:01.

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