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Helmets are a crucial component of a soldier's protective gear, designed to protect the wearer's head from a variety of threats in the heat of battle. In the realm of science fiction, helmets are even more essential due to the advanced and varied dangers present in our futuristic setting.

Price: The cost of helmets can vary widely depending on the materials used, the level of protection offered, and other factors. The average price range for a basic helmet in the Star Army sci-fi RPG setting is around 500-1000 credits, with more advanced models costing several times that.


The use of helmets in combat dates back to ancient times, with helmets made of leather or metal used to protect soldiers' heads from blunt force trauma and projectiles. As technology advanced, helmets evolved to offer greater protection and comfort.

In the world of science fiction, helmets take on a variety of shapes and functions, from the sleek and minimalist helmets of space marines to the heavy and bulky helmets of mech pilots. Some helmets even incorporate advanced technologies such as augmented reality displays, built-in communications systems, and environmental sensors.


Helmets in the Star Army sci-fi RPG setting are typically made from advanced materials such as reinforced polymers, ceramics, or alloys. They are designed to provide protection from a variety of threats, including shrapnel, energy weapons, and environmental hazards such as radiation or vacuum.

The design of a helmet can vary widely depending on the intended use. For example, helmets worn by ground troops may feature built-in communications systems and night vision capabilities, while those worn by space pilots may have advanced environmental control systems and heads-up displays.

Helmets typically feature a faceplate or visor that can be opened or closed as needed. Some helmets also feature additional protective elements such as a neck guard or ear protection.


Helmets are a crucial component of a soldier's protective gear and are worn whenever there is a risk of head injury. In a sci-fi RPG setting, helmets are worn by ground troops, space pilots, and mech pilots alike.

In addition to providing protection, helmets can also incorporate advanced technologies such as augmented reality displays, built-in communications systems, and environmental sensors. This allows the wearer to better understand and interact with their environment, communicate with teammates, and stay informed of mission objectives.

When not in use, helmets should be stored in a safe and secure location to prevent damage.

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