Elza's Sight Goggles

These are the goggles that Elza'beth wears to help counter her blindness. They are custom built to work with her implants.


Like the LVG-744 these goggles appear as regular glasses only with blinds on the sides. The goggles are flexible and form around a person's head. The lens are actually video pickups, there are sensors modules on the sides of the goggles that works to analyze the amount of light present to compensate for the brightness levels.

An elastic band on the back makes it easy for the wearer to configure the goggles to either be on tightly or loosely.


The goggles have similar features as the LVG-744-C.

These goggles connect to neural receptors on either side of Elza's face.

The goggles provide limited visual capability. With them Elza can read books and displays.