Table of Contents

Sourcian Physiology & Anatomy

Unlike any sentient life-form encountered, the Sourcian is of a fundamentally different evolutionary line and in terms of genome, have more in common with simple amoeba and bacteria than complex animals on the genetic level though there are many strains which have not been observed elsewhere: often using materials traditionally deemed devoid and incapable of being a component of life such as complex alloys on the cellular level with an extensive use of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and silicone though some cell functions are entirely dependent on unusual chemical chains such as silver and titanium oxide. Sourcians are capable of an extremely effective mimicry of humanoid form, behavior and are capable of living in very similar habitats as they have learned to emulate organ behavior of other species on the macroscopic level. Their fundamental form on the gross anatomical level has never been observed and is thought to be radically different from the humanoid form.

Macro Anatomy

The following are common to all classes of Sourcian known:

Nervous System

The most alien of all of the organs observed within the Sourcian body, the nervous-system can be very easily transplanted. With very little effort, the brain of a Sourcian is capable of living long-term outside of it's body, provided some very simple needs are met.

Processing organs


Composed of super-dense copper/silicone based crystal-like cells, the Maesus forms complex optical networks which use bursts of light, electricity and chemical messages as so different clusters of the Sourcian brain can communicate with one another. From a technological standpoint, one could see the Maesus as a chemical/optical/electrical computer. Usually, there are several Maesus which overlap through eachother. With very little effort, they can be prized apart but usually try to cling together. Typically, there are several Maesus which are super-compacted to over-lap one another though they can be prized apart. The unusual makeup of the maesus makes it extremely durable. In tests, Maesus have been known to take a 50 caliber high-velocity round at point-blank (fatal in all cases with a mammalian subject) and still remain intact and functional (though almost crippled to 40% of it's full functionality).Within 8 minutes, the Maesus restored itself to 80% functionality, though it took several days before the subject was entirely coherent.

Maesus Fiber

Comparable to nerve-fibers that transmit messages through the human body, the Maesus Fiber is composed of ultra-thin pockets of stringy nerve-cells. They function by hopping complex messages across the Primaras. Maesus Fiber is extremely dense and yet almost completely invisible to the naked-eye. It is critical in that it allows the brain and the organs under it's command to communicate with one another.

Sensory Organs

Primary Optic cluster

Within the primary eye-cluster, there are the two “traditional eyes” which function and appear very similarly to our own, though they are composed of similar materials to the Maesus with a slightly glassy appearance. They are able to see in color when a high enough level of light is available or in black and whitein the dark and are especially sensitive to motion. Interesting, a young Sourcian is able only to see high contrast light and motion and is effectively blind, relying on specialized secondary eyes.

Secondary Optic cluster

A second pair of eyes rest above the primary pair. The cone-cells of these eyes allow them to pick up light as they are able to very quickly change themselves, as is the iris. Although this makes them fragile, they see very well across vast distances and by shifting the arrangement of cone-cells, they can see ranges of light which humans cannot. Normally, they are stored beneath the skin to protect them as they are quite vunerable.

De-centalized optic clusters

There are a further eight smaller eyes. Each is no larger than a marble and are usually beneath the fore-head to protect them. These decentralized eyes do not need to be close to the maesus in order to see and can be anywhere from the torso and chest to the fingertips and palms and can be very easily relocated. By dotting them around the shoulders or fore-hands, for example, a Sourcian is able to se beside itself granting it a much wider scope of visability, meaning it can see much more than it would with just two eyes. A skilled Sourcian will dot them around, allowing it to see in all directions.

Electro/static sensitive antennae

There are six sensitive antennae exist beneath the skin. To the eye, they seem like small soft leafless tree or plant branches in a dim reddish color that can protude from beneath the skin with a leathery texture. Each is sensitive enough to detect bio-electrical and electromagnetic fields, caused by people and machinery and also act as ears, able to pick up sound. With training, a Sourcian can learn to detect moisture levels, air pressure, temperature and wind direction quite accurately and even tell where north is magnetically. Like the decentralized optic clusters, they aren't placed anywhere specifically except for the primary pair which are fixed to the forehead, beneath the scalp which are used to hear speech. They seem to be extremely sensitive to touch and may be an erogenous zone and very rarely extend from beneath the skin unless the environment is especially humid.

Primary Structure & Muscular system (pricora)

Closer to the anatomical construct of a plant than a common mammals, a Sourcian's body consists primarily of the Primaras (a sort of soup which makes up most of their body) and the Precoria (which forms muscle, bones and complex organs by weaving into complicated fibers).

Precorial fiber & gel

Acting as a combined muscular/skeletal weave, Precorial fiber is responsible for muscle motion and acts as an internal frame, like bone. Depending on how the fibers are weaved, they can be dense and strong like a skeleton or armor or loose and aligned, like muscle. Precorial tissue can align into fiber, lock into bone-like formations or completely unlock and form a gel-like substance that is usually mixed with Primaras. Precorial fluid can be found in 97% of the Sourcian body, including the Maesus.


A soupy gelatin mixture of stem-cells and other cells (such as the precorial cells), the Primaras is dotted throughout precorial fiber and vica-verca, the two often found together. Primaras matter is responsible for the creation of new cells, organs and the storage of excess energy from food (much like fat is in humans). The stem-cells within the Primaras can very rapidly create new organs, replace damaged cells and modify existing organs to better cope with their environment. This makes Sourcians extremely adaptable travelers, capable of living in almost any atmosphere or condition with enough modification.

Respiratory & Digestive system

The Sourcian digestive tract has gone from a simple system used to sieve krill from water to a complex and fully functional human-like digestive system, copying the functions of other encountered races.


A very unusual organ closer to the digestive tract of algie or protozoa, the archeach is a combined lung, stomach and intestinal tract. The Archech organ sits within the primary bulk (often the chest) beneath layers of precorial lining as a trio of sacks not unlike humanoid lungs. Two chambers (The Atrial pair) sit behind and a third chamber (The Actoral primary) which rests slightly forward with similar placement to the human heart. Food is typically digested and slowly drained of valuable nutrients within the third frontal sack while the other two syphon air and water. They are fed through Ileic channels and the Illeiaus major while non-useful matter is liquified and disposed of, similarly to urine. In a Sourcian's native environment, the archech is strictly a stomach with the primaras used to absorb oxygen from extremely high density water either in vapor or the air, similarly to gills.

Ileic channels

Invisible to the naked eye, almost a billion tiny tubes or channels transport nutrients, waste, vital gasses and water through the body, working to maintain homeostasis with the Precoria. Micro-tensing of the precoria work to replace a heart as a decentralized organ which assures the flow of fluids is always constant.

Illeiaus major

Like the eyes and Maesus, the Illeiaus major is equally armored and made of similar materials. It is responsible for syphoning out toxins, hazardous chemicals and cells from the body. It also works in conjunction with the Primaras to produce defense-cells which protect the body from hostile configurations on the microscopic level.

Gross Anatomy


Hands are distinct with three fingers and a mirrored thumbs on both sides. Sometimes, an extra pair of thumbs and fingers link from the wrist making six fingers and four thumbs in total in a configuration not unlike a crab's claw. The grip of a Sourcian is strong enough to break the neck of a humanoid with relative ease in larger forms but in a normal form, it isn't much stronger than a typical male human.


Faces come in a vast variety. Some have a full connective jaw with the eyes and sensory organs placed within with a complex face or even a smooth faceplate. Other times, the head will be no more than a faint bulge on the torso, not unlike arachnids.


Most Sourcian are able to bend their knees and legs both forwards and rearwards and may have upward of two to six legs though in humanoid configurations, four Sourcian legs form the legs and two form the arms.


Stark white, blue or of an orange hue, Sourcian colors define their clan and social standing when independent from the Maesus cores. Ultimately however, it is more like a form of IFF or identification: used to denote intentions.

Quite importantly, Sourcians cannot conventionally see color over an object's exterior at all but instead usually see reflective light. Also, they lack the resolution to denote an image or even a shape, with the sense being closer to a blob or highly pixelated image.


Often, special markings will be outlined around specific areas of the body to indicate personal choices or beliefs. For example, a lighter color about the inner thighs and about areas where “feelers” rest beneath the skin indicates sensuality where as black pigmentation around the back of the neck or in stripes over the body indicate physical prowess and are worn proudly by Aexalli.


After meeting primitive humanoids, the creation of hair has become a popular demonstration of one's shape-changing ability. Those who are to meet with outsiders beyond war must be able to replicate or emulate hair.


Color has an important part to play in Sourcian Society. Many pigment their skin specifically in patterns with color to reflect their role and and social position.

Distinct Markings

Specific markings in specific points in the body represent personal choices and a wealth of information can be conveyed in this manner. As this information becomes available, it will be added.