Vui'tra (Information Broker)

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.
:!: FM Note: Any information related to the Navy or Monarchy MUST be cleared by the FM/Co-FM FIRST :!: 1)

Vui'tra are individuals whose main area of trade is that of information, this information can either be of the legal or illegal type and not always something that is supported by the Kingdom. Vui'tra are considered professional information researchers, in that they will seek out any information that their clients request from them and depending on how important that information is and when it is needed, the pricing could be rather low or astronomically high.

Vui'tra are also considered Vui'hes, or Information Dealers and Vui'lahe, for Infochants. Because of their line of work, many Vui'tra are suspicious of others and it is a very cuthroat business to get into.

The reason for this note is because while a Vui'tra can get their hands on some rather sensitive information, that doesn't mean that information can be easily gotten, an FM request is needed in the event that said information can't be obtained.