Table of Contents


:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Tai'ka'ye'Haa'Ye is a form of Tai'ka'ye'ausye that is designed to replace containment fields and also to create shield 'doors'. It was created by the Kingdom of Neshaten and put into service in EE 002.


Tai'ka'ye'Vasy'Ahe is a new kind of shielding designed to fully replace the traditional containment fields found used throughout the Kingdom. The original containment field was merely an energy shield designed to serve a particular purpose of keeping in oxygen, or containing explosions. The Tai'ka'ye'Vasy'Ahe maintains these functions but comes with additional ones, including the abliity to block most known forms of weapons fire or to even create a barrier that stops 'additional' damage from being done to a breached area, this is accomplished by allowing the shield to extend several feet beyond the breached portion.

In terms of a door, the Tai'ka'ye'Vasy'Ahe create a field that can either be solid, thus not allowing anyone to sees through it - or transparent. These types of doors are not common on ships or even stations but rather are found mainly used in ground facilities.


Tai'ka'ye'Haa'Ye differs in appearance since it is used primarily for containing breaches or for forming a shield around reactors and other important items. Because of this, the Tai'ka'ye'Vasy'Ahe can either resemble a circular field, rectangular, square, or even a hexagonal one. The field is that of a light blue and gives off a bluish hue while active.


This is a list of components used in the Tai'


The emitters are the primary projection area for the shield and, unlike their bigger cousins the Tai'ka'ye'ausye, aren't as exposed. These emitters can function while located behind Heu'trane, which gives them a larger degree of protection than those used by the Tai'ka'ye'ausye.

The Emitters generate a small amount of heat due to their size, however, and must be replaced once every two hundred days. Due to the technology used in their design, it is a simple matter of just uncoupling an emitter and then putting a new one in its place; this can even be done during a combat situation when an emitter is overtaxed and blown out so long as there are additional emitters to help take the slack.


Although the system is connected directly to a cities power systems, a backup generator was built that can provide a limited sixty one hours backup power for the emitters in the event of a power failure, the generators are capable of backing up all of this systems emitters.

Cooling system

To maintain a constantly active shield wall requires a proper cooling system, as the hours pass various components begin to build up heat which can create problems in the components themselves. This particular tries to solve this problem by pumping liquid nitrogen through pipes located close to the components, this creates a generator of low temperatures around those components and keeps them from overheating. In cases where liquid might not be applicable, a heat sink can be used instead.