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Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing Dungeon Complex

Located beneath S.A.M.'s headquarters, and even, below the capitals subway system, is a complex known as 'Dungeon', the name comes from the complex being largely dark and mysterious, with only those working in the actual complex itself knowing what goes on.

Dungeon is the area of SAM that constructs military based star fighters and even starships upwards of three hundred meters long(300m) and one hundred and seventy meters wide(170m). The complex is vast, filled with equipment needed to accomplish its task. Because of what is constructed, only authorized personnel are allowed beneath and the area is constantly under heavy guard.

Located beneath Dungeon are two large hanger bays, the bays aren't located directly 'under' Dungeon itself, but rather, are considered part of the complex. The bays, in reality, are located toward the capital's exterior zones, but underground. There are twelve mooring bays per hanger; the bays serve as deposit points for newly constructed starships where they will sit temporarily until they are taken to a more proper military dock for crew assigning.

Each of the twelve bays have rear doors that lead to dedicated repair docks, these docks are only used when the military HQ's own repair docks are overcrowded or if the repairs needed are those the military repair docks themselves can't handle for one reason or another.

The first of these bays was completed in ER 730, it’s known as the 'Western Field Bay', while the Eastern Field Bay is still under construction, and has a scheduled completion date of Season 3, EE 002

Western Field Bay

The WFB is a bay located on the capital's west side, the bay has a high ceiling, at nearly two hundred and fifty meters high - this ceiling slowly narrows down to just a hundred meters that leads to a tunnel that'll take ships out to the ocean.

This bay has twelve mooring bays; all twelve bays have rear-facing doors that lead to repair docks. Water is used because most Neshaten vessels are built to be buoyant on water.

The center of the bay has a large, circular command center, which helps move traffic around during active times but can also serve as a place for soldiers and starship crewmen to observe what is going on. Located on the side walls are hallways with windows, so people can peer into the bay.

Toward the exit of the bay, where it tempers down to only a hundred meters, is another set of doors that protects the bay from outside intrusion. The doors are only opened when ships are coming and going, but are closed when there is no activity. The rear of the bay also has a large door, but that door leads to a tunnel that goes straight to the Eastern Field Bay, its door is currently locked and sealed.

Out of the twelve bays, two of them are actually converted to deal with star fighters. These converted bays have their rear doors that lead to the cities large tunnel network, a network that only star fighters can traverse. These bays also house the capitals elite star fighter squadrons, a group dedicated to the defense of the capital.

Eastern Field Bay

The EFB is a bay that is still currently under construction, it's a bay that'll be dedicated to the capitals defense forces. Currently, only half of the bay has been constructed.