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Nina'ka'iaus Sub-space Power Transmitter

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The Nina'ka'iaus is a power transmission system utilized by the Kingdom of Neshaten to transmit power from one location to another, it was put into usage in EE 002 to replace traditional methods.


Designed by Nina'ka'iaus Yu'iahe, the sub-space power transmitter was designed to serve two very separate purposes depending on its location; the first was to serve as a replacement long-distance transmission towers found on a planet and instead set up the transmitters so that power can be transferred from one continent to another. The second, and main reason it was designed, was to easily transfer power from the surface of a planet to a space based orbit or even to a nearby moon.

The use of subspace allows the transmitter to transmit its power without much risk of interference from passing vehicles or personnel or even blockade from physical items. The ability of transmit power is only possible in the system that the transmitter is located in, which means that it can't transmit power beyond the system.

In order for the system to work effectively, orbital platforms are best built directly above a transmitter. Although this method isn't possible for things such as moons that have solar farms that beam their energy to a planet, in which case a transmitter has to lock onto a receiver and personnel have to ensure that the signal remains strong so that there is very little energy degradation.


When the Neshaten first began to try and figure out methods of powering orbital structures without actually having a power generator built into it, they ran into the first problem of figuring out how to transmit power from one location to another. It was originally theorized that a microwave transmitter to be used to beam power from location A, such as a planet, to location B, such as an orbiting station. However, scientists discovered that while the energy sent out was at the required levels, the orbital receiver arrays reported very different to results in the area of nearly a seventy percent drop in received energy, this resulted in them going back to the drawing board.

It wasn't until EE 001-v did a young prodigy named Nina'ka'iaus Yu'iahe come forth with the idea of a sub-space power transmitter, or a system that relies on a different method of sending power and not having it get degraded over time. Prototypes of the system were very promising, with only a six percent degradation in received power, this allowed scientists to come up with various methods of utilizing the system. This resulted in the system being put into full usage in EE 002.

However, scientists discovered that one of the major drawbacks to the system was that it couldn't be used to transmit power to ships or planets outside of its parent system, this is due to range limitations in the technology itself and also because of how efficient scientists wanted the system to be. Scientists decided that subspace was the best method to use to transmit power as it meant that it could pass harmlessly through vehicles and personnel, along with other physical objects.

The advent of this system allows the Neshaten to now utilize other kinds of technology that were originally declared as 'impossible' due to various environmental factors, such as solar power which was prone to killing birds but also not being efficient due to being located with an atmosphere.


The N.S.P.T. is now found used throughout the Kingdom, the following is just a small list of what uses this system.

Orbital Stations

Orbital Stations such as defensive platforms are equipped with these kinds of transmitters, so that they don't require an on-board generator and thus have more room for weapons.

Power Generation Facilities

A number of power plants, such as the solar collectors found on the moons that orbit Nesha Prime, use these transmitters to transmit power from the station to planetary receivers which then sent this power to citizens.

Planet to Planet transmission

Although only possible within the same system as the power generators and their transmitters, this kind of application allows the Neshaten to create a centralized hub for generating power and then sending said power to planets; although while this method would help reduce the footprint taken up by these plants it is not considered feasible since an enemy would be to knock out all power in the system by just striking one location. Thus this application is used more for sending power to places on moons or in the asteroid belt.


The technology relies on two main components, the transmitter and the receiver; and can't function without them both.


The transmitter allows for power to be transferred from one source to a receiver, transmitters come in a variety of appearances and thus there is no set appearance.


The receiver is responsible for receiving the energy transmitted to it, like the transmitter, these reecivers come in a variety of appearances.