Table of Contents


:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Meina'slahe is a type of artificially created material designed by the Kingdom of Neshaten for usage in buildings and weaponry. Meina'slahe directly translates into 'Metallic Wood'. It was created in EE 002 and is a material that is under constant experimentation. There are two very different methods of processing and refinements which can determine precisely how this material is used and where.

Manufacturing Methods

There are two methods of refining and manufacturing of this material, both of which have their uses. Method A is ideal for the creation of certain kinds of weapons, while Method B is more suited to creating more everyday items. While these two methods differ in what they are capable of creating, there is no loss in durability, strength, or resistance since the two methods pretty much utilize the same exact materials.

Method A

Method A is a method of processing Meina'slahe from two separate materials into one that is ideal for the creation of weapons such as staves and bows, and handles for firearms and hilts for swords; although this application also permits it to create items such as electric poles although this is considered a useless application. The material is created from two elements, one of which is an artificially created plant known as the Jen'sihayse while the last one is Titanium. Jen'sihayse is the main component of Meina'slahe and is grown in the environment and can have its growth pattern manipulated.

Jen'sihayse makes up almost 90% of the base material of Meina'slahe. Titanium makes up the remaining 10%.

This method is time consuming, which is why its list of applications is small.

Method B

Method B is an alternative to Method A, in that it creates Meina'slahe not out of two but rather out of four separate materials including three that make up the base DNA restructure of Jen'sihayse. This method allows for the creation of Meina'slahe that is ideal for items such as clothing, small devices, support struts found in tents, vehicles, and structures. This is because at current Method A isn't reliable enough to grow Jen'sihayse into the absolute shapes and sizes that Method B is capable of achieving. An advantage in Method B is that the material is flexible enough to be molded into the requests direction.

This method requires scientists and engineers to actually manipulate and combine a number of other materials into one, through the use of a blast forge and chemical processing, these materials are actually the building blocks behind Jen'sihayse. The following table lists the materials and what they attribute to Meina'slahe

Material Attribute
Li'yshe Durability/Strength
De'betre Fibres that provide heat resistance
Titanium Adds additional streangth and fire resistance
Yetre Bonding material

OOC Note

To clear up any confusion this might cause, Jen'sihayse is a bio-engineered material created by combining the DNA found in Li'yshe, De'netre and Yetre. What this means is that while Method A utilizes the actual bio-engineered plant itself, Method B instead uses the materials that were ultimately used to create Jen'sihayse in the first place. The creation of two separate methods is to show that the Neshaten don't have a finalized process and that Method A can't be used to create the same kind of items that Method B is capable of. This will change in the future, but for now this is how this particular material is set up.