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Suyrene Stealth Drive Mk 1

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.
:!: Notice: This technology is restricted! FM permission is needed before it can be placed on a ship.

The SSD is a starship drive core that took the Neshaten almost forty years to develop, forty years of trial and error and of a large number of failed prototypes and tests until finally, a prototype that actually functioned properly. The drive saw usage starting in EE 002.

Class: Stealth Engine
Designer: Unknown
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Shukara Volunteer Navy, Or'ion


The SSD was designed to help give the Neshaten an edge over any enemies they might encounter, the purpose of the drive-core was to help reduce; or even get rid of, the engines emissions signature through the specialized energy rods that must be replaced after certain intervals. This works by forcing the rod to create a negative field around a drive-core, this field extends one hundred meters beyond the ship and six meters to the sides, granting it a decent amount of space to capture these waves and prevent them from being detected.

Ships have to be designed, however, to use this particular drive core - it can't just be placed on an already pre-existing ship. The SSD is purely an Inter-Steller Drive, it doesn't have FTL capabilities, that is left up to the main engines, in this case the SSD can be considered an Auxiliary Engine.


The SSD came about not from the Neshaten's realization that their might be hostile races out in the vastness of space, but largely due to domestic problems involving insurrections and terrorists. Originally, the object of the SSD was to merely mask the engine emission given off the kingdom's gravity based drives, many of which had the serious drawback of emitting intense gravitational waves that could be detected by enemy vessels.

Thus, in order to help reduce - or even potentially - get rid of this problem Neshaten scientists began to explore for a means of hiding gravity waves, this found this actually in the energy crystals they use in their power systems. It was discovered that if fresh crystals, those not sanctioned for power generation, where to be processed into a form of crystallized rod that those rods would not only emit the power needed for the gravitational engines but would also cancel out those gravity waves after the ship moved some distance away from where it had been seconds earlier.

This was further realized when a material known as Creyogenema'shen was discovered on a remote research facility, this material helped improve upon the stealth field and had the secondary effect of projecting an invisible 'cloak' around a ship. It was a discovery made entirely by accident, but as with all technological progresses, most are made by accident.

When scientists discovered this, they decided to exploit it, over forty years of failure were wiped away in just the last five years; although this material was kept entirely secret from the general public and even from the military so that scientists could improve upon it's qualities.

In the year of EE001, a test flight involving a starfighter equipped with a miniturlized version of the SSD was successful in avoiding detection as it passed through Nesha Prime's defense grid and landed in S.A.M.'s hanger bays. A secondary test done later that same year involved a heavily modified She'tan'ora class vessel that was able to likewise avoid detection.

The year afterwards saw this drive core being put into production and placed on newly commissioned ships. The Neshaten, unsurprisingly, have already developed countermeasures to this drive so that it cant be used again them.

Drive Core Classifications

The following is a list of classifications for the various drive-cores that exist within the SSD Category.

Core Speed Rod Replacement Time Compatibility
C-AS23 .1-.2c Six Hours Warship Class
C-FS34 .085c-0.155c 3 Hours Fighter Class
C-TS34 .150c-.225c 4 Hours Transport Class


While the drive may hide the gravitational wake that a ship gives off, it does this by tapping into the crystallized rods; this gradually breaks the rods down until they must be replaced. There is only a small window of time that a pilot or ships crew can replace these rods because their engines emissions begin to emit outward from the ship once more.