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Class: Suppression Weapon
Type: Energy Weapon
Designer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten, Shukara Volunteer Navy
Production: Dependent on vehicles
Price: Not for sale

L1 Plasma Gatling

FIXME This article is a work in progress; It is currently not approved as canon.

The L1 Plasma Gatling is a starfighter based suppression weapon designed by the Neshaten for usage on Starfighters and certain types of other vehicles. It was put into service in EE 002-v.


The L1 Plasma Gattling is a weapon that borrows on a lot of the technical specifications of the proven HN-10-K Plasma Blaster Cannon, although changes were made naturally in order to turn it into the kind of weapon that would be feasible for usage on a starfighter. The L1 is a gatling weapon, meaning it is capable of firing several dozen shots a minute; the L1 fires super-heated plasma at a high rate of speed, allowing it to bridge the gap between the point of firing and its target, this also means that the weapon is suitable not just as a ground based suppression weapon but also for space for close range combat.

Because of the heat buildup of the weapon, it requires some time to cool down if fired constantly and without pause; on the other hand if fired in bursts then it is capable of maintaining a stable temperature so long as the surrounding environment isn't a factor.


The L1 Plasma Gatling is a weapon system built in response to the Navy's need for a fighter based suppression system, one that can be mounted on a fighter capable of hovering yet able to deliver a debilitating degree of fire onto an enemy position. Scientists designed the weapon with the T12 Shin'ra'kre Heavy Fighter in mind, designing a unique plasma generator just for the weapon itself.


Much of the weapons appearance is hidden away inside of a fighter, the only part of it that is always seen is the eight firing ports that the plasma is fired out of.

Default Firing Modes

The L1 Plasma Gatling is two firing modes, although more can be added.

Mode 1 - Rapid Plasma

Its default mode, and the most commonly used, Mode 1 fires plasma at a rate of one hundred shots a minute. While the shots themselves are much smaller than those in mode 2, they are also not capable of punching through solid armour and thus deal much less damage; but the intention of Mode 1 is not to kill but rather to suppress and although it won't damage an armoured unit it will damage unprotected equipment and electronics.

Mode 2 - Burst Plasma

Burst Plasma is a secondary mode for the weapon and allows the pilot to charge up a ball of plasma that can then be fired onto an enemy position, dealing area damage and possibly killing or at least injuring both armoured and unarmoured individuals. Its got a much slower rate of fire due to the time needed to charge the plasma, this makes the weapon not so useful in a suppression role but instead for going after large groups of enemies.


Because the weapons software is open source, the creator has placed a damage rating cap of Tier 5 or Tier 6, Medium Anti-Armor or Heavy Anti-Armor (FIXME: Staff needs to determine which). All firing modes created for this weapon must be approved by the plots GM and then added to this page.