Graviton Manoeuvring System

Designer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten
Production: Multiples
Price: 5,000
:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The Graviton Manoeuvring System is a rather simple, and yet, effective means of giving ships the ability to move around easily in space. It was put into service in EE002-v.


the Graviton Manoeuvring System was designed to replace traditional chemical and liquid based manoeuvring thrusters, and instead was designed to take advantage of the gravitic knowledge that the Neshaten possess. This system utilizes micro-gravity bursts to 'move' a ship several inches in one direction or can be used together to keep a ship on a stable flight path.