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Gb-5 Cat'aneas

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.
GB-4 Lui'neas
Primary Function 10,000 lb Laser Guided Powered Bomb
Faction Kingdom of Neshaten
Length 39 Ft 8 In
Diameter 20 In
Range 90 Km's

The Gb-5 Cat'aneas is a Graviton Bomb of the largest bomb, in terms of not only damage but also colleral damage. The GB-5 was put into service in EE 002. It is deemed a WMD, and thus restricted from military usage unless permission is granted by the citizenry or deemed nessecery to prevent military structures from falling into enemy hands.


One of the numerous Graviton Bomb, the GB-5 is the largest bomb created by the Neshaten, and considered to be the heaviest of this line of GB's. The GB-5 was intended more as a 'last resort' kind of weapon to be used only when other options have been exhausted, the GB-5 is nearly 39 feet long and contained a solid uranium core with six graviton charges situated within.

The intention behind the bomb was to deny the enemy usage of a city or areas, or to destroy vital information centers such military bases. Although its other usage, one publically released to the citizenry and also approved by them; was to also to destroy areas that are plagued and prevent the spread of diseases that could affect the entire planet.

Because of its usage, the citizenry has voted upon and demanded that such a weapon not be deployed without consent of the citizenry or unless a state of emergency requires its deployment, such as in the matters listed above. Its usage against enemy populations is strictly forbidden and any soldier found doing so is submit to execution.

While the bomb utilizes a pure uranium core, it actually doesn't generate to much radiation, at least not within the bombs explosion radius; this is because the usage of six graviton charges had an unintended side effect; upon detonation the bomb creates at nearly four hundred kilometer outward blast radius, but seconds after this detonation something else happens, the gravitons charges create a secondary effect in that they 'pull' the explosion back toward the explosions epicenter, this actually draws in the radiation rendering the surrounding areas nearly radiation free. However, a radius of fire miles around the epicenter is 'not' radiation free and actually contains a lethal dosage, this means that while the areas outside of the five mile exclusion zone can be repaired and rehabited, it would take nearly three hundred years for the inward fire mile area to be usable again.

In order to ensure that the bomb is not deployed carelessly into combat, it was deemed that a specialized bomber had to be created strictly for its deployment.

Damage Rating

The following is the damage this weapon does.

DR Blast Radius
Tier 11, Medium Anti-Starship Almost 400 kilometers.

OOC Note

This bomb is strictly a WMD, and is restricted in its usage. FM permission 'must' be granted since it can cause damage to civilian areas, and the FM might not desire to have such area's touched. This is also currently needed for a future plot arc, an thus its approval is paramount to that arc.