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Esi'enane Stealth Systems

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.
:!: Notice: This technology is restricted!

The Esi'enane Stealth Systems is a system invented and manufactured by Or'ion in early EE001, currently it was intended for specialized ships.

Class: Camuflauge System
Designer: Shen'triuea Lauai'she
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Shukara Volunteer Navy, Or'ion


The E.S.S., also known as the Esi'enane Stealth Systems, is an invention created by Shen'triuea Lauai'she in EE 001 to be used by Or'ions ships, although it also serves as an experimental system that is in constant refit and reconstruction as new technology is invented. The system utilizes a number of different components all integrated together to form one unique, complex, system that works together as one. Because of the systems power needs it was created with an intended power generator to help offset the power drain that happens when certain components are brought online for the first time.


E.S.S. was originally conceived as a possible system back in the early parts of ER 725, codenamed Project Darklight, it was an ambitious endeavor by several scientists to do that which had been deemed impossible; and at the time, it was. Technology in the realm of space exploration and camouflage was still in its infancy, the lack of proper raw materials that could be adequately tested upon to determine their viability also limited the progress of the project.

Eventually the project ended up being cancelled in the year of ER 743 and shelved, although not forgotten. Or'ion agents seized upon the project, transferring all available data from naval computers to those within Or'ions HQ and then purging the records, making it seem like the project had never been done. In the year of ER 765, a young scientist by the name of Shen'triuea Lauai'she was working on a new kind of stealth based ship, alongside another colleague, at the time Shen' had run into a roadblock in finding ways to make a proper cloaking system, it wasn't until he started prowling through Or'ions old files did come across those related to Project Darklight.

The data, while scattered and not organized due to Or'ions rather hasty attempts at securing it, meant that Shen' had to spend long periods of time being information together from blocks of code and discarded information, this ended up taking him almost six years to do and upon completing the reconstruction he found himself looking at a project that had gotten very close to being successful, although Shen'triuea realized that the project had stumbled into a roadblock. This roadblock wasn't due to funding, as was given the original reason for its closure, but rather because scientists couldn't figure out how to actually generate the cloaking field that was necessary to hide a ship.

Shen'triuea took this research and began his own attempts at figuring out that which previous scientists couldn't, researching members of the scientific community whom were forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement so that such critical information wouldn't be released to the public or fall into the wrong hands. It took three years before Shen'triuea stumbled upon an amazing discovery, and one that was rather ironic given the projects name. During a series of routine tests being performed on the Kingdom's power reactors, a strange form of energy had been observed in testing labs but originally this energy was considered non-important, as it didn't generate any kind of an energy current. Shen', however, discovered that the energy - while it didn't generate power - did something much more marvelous: it shrouded its surroundings in a cloud of dark energy that couldn't be seen in, albeit the effect was quite small and required specialized sensors, some of which had to be created quickly, to actually be seen.

Shen' discovered that this dark energy was actually known as 'Dark Light', a name given to the mysterious phenomena by scientists who had originally discovered the power crystals and their energy emitting capability, but had no actual way of researching the dark energy that had been observed in the labs so many hundreds of years prior. Harnessing this energy required several newer forms of technology, cultivating into a Black Operations project that took on the name of the one originally given to the attempted creation of the cloaking device: Project Darklight.

With this discovery Shen' was able to continue work on the E.S.S., although a cloaking shroud wasn't the only thing that was needed to make the system. He also worked on the possibility of creating a holographic field that could be used to create or mimic the areas around the device, making the device or a small portion of the area appear as if it was actually part of the topography, such as that of an asteroid, the surface of a planet, or even the hull of a ship.

After this method was completed, Shen' turned his attention to the other systems that would be needed to make the E.S.S. function, ironically this was where another road block was hit. Although his scientists had discovered the dark light energy and what it actually did, they still lacked the method of controlling it. The method, however, came to the scientists through a series of tests that involved utilizing a number of energy crystals to see if one possessed the right kind of a frequency that could be used to control said particles; that frequency was eventually discovered although by the time it had, the project had already gone on for several years, resulting the discovery occurring in the middle of EE 001-v. By this point, the ship that would use the device had already been completed and a prototype of the E.S.S. with an incomplete version of the cloaking shroud was brought onboard.

It was during one of these test flights that Shen', who was serving as an operational technician at the time, discovered something rather profound. During a test of the E.S.S., Shen' noticed that the dark light particles being emitted by the systems central crystal were in a very excited state, resulting in them shrouding parts of not only the system but sections of the ship as well; Shen' was able to trace the cause to the ships reactor - a reactor that should've been using a refined power crystal was instead utilizing a raw one, a mistake made only because crews assumed it had been refined due to its appearance. The ship was taken back to port, where Shen' and his scientists began to perform tests.

Through these tests, Shen' discovered the cause, method, and result. The cause of the dark light particles becoming excited was because the unrefined energy crystal was highly energized and was generating a frequency much higher than anything the Neshaten had observed before, a frequency that Shen' deduced was only possible because the crystal hadn't been refined; because it wasn't refined though it also generated a large amount of dark light particles that, because they lacked a central controlling method, acted on their own. The way to control the particles was right there though, as Shen' deduced that if the crystal itself could be harnessed then so to could the dark light particles that it generated. This would later result in the creation of the cloaking shroud, and later on, the control core that not only controlled the shroud but would also end up being designed to control the entirety of the system itself.

By the end of EE 002, the Esi'enane Stealth Systems was born; Or'ion released the hold of information on the project, making most of the information open to the public, with the exception of the method used to control the dark light particles.

Primary Components

This is a list of components used by the system. These are considered the first layer of the system and must to maintain in order for the rest of it to function.

Cloaking Bubble

This kind of a component creates a bubble around a ship, rendering it invisible against the backdrop of space. Its physical appearance can't be seen by the naked eye, along with visual sensors as well. One drawback however is that the bubble gives off a minute wavy affect in space, while this isn't a serious issue when the ship is far away from others; the same can't be said when its close to another ship or a station, as a perspective individual might be able to spot it.

Control Core

The Control Core is the area of the system that controls the entirety of the unit, if it was to ever go offline the entire system would crash and be rendered inoperable. The control core has two items in it, one of which is a power crystal used to not only power the system but also to help control the distribution of data; the second is an artificial intelligence programmed to monitor the system and react to sudden changes, without the AI the E.S.S. wouldn't be able to function in a fast paced environment.

Secondary Components

Secondary Components are optional, and not needed for the system to function, but they add an additional layer of stealth for the ship and often times enhance primary functions.

Holographic Canopy

This kind of component allows a ship to project a holographic sphere, this sphere can be modified to take on the ship of anything in the area; whether that be another ship, an inanimate object, or some other asset. The canopy works by accessing internal data found on the parent ship and then merging that data with the E.S.S.'s processing system to determine how best to project it around the sphere; this means that it can hide itself from the visual sight of others, however this isn't its only function.

The canopy can also work by creating another kind of holographic appearance when the ship is attached to another object, such as creating a new face for an asteroid when the ship is attached to an asteroid or even a turret, etc, when attached to a ship or station.

One of the main drawbacks to this system is that it requires a high degree of power upon first activation, making it impracticable for use within enemy territory as the power draw could potentially be detected by others. However, once the canopy is deployed, its power draw will begin to stabilize until it is down to safe levels.

Sensor Dampeners

A specialized kind of dampening system that causes any sensors that make contact with the ship to be scrambled, and become incapable of returning a 'ping' to the parent ship.

Emission Dampeners

The E.S.S. utilizes a specialized field situated around a ships gravitational drives, this field reduces the amount of gravitational waves emitted from the ship, lessoning the likelyhood of detection. However, on ships equipped with the Suyrene Stealth Drive Mk 1, this system isn't used as the SSD does it more efficiently.

OOC Note

This technology is restricted, at current only the Sui'tresh class of ships can use it. This will change in the future, but for now, it is restricted to this particular ship class.