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:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Neshaten Astrometrics Lab

The Kingdom of Neshaten Astrometrics Lab is a large room found on both ships and stations, it was meant to serve as part of a science department but can operate alone. The room was put into service in EE 001-v.


The Astrometrics Lab is a very large room that utilizes a large and complex holographic system to project a detailed view of the space either around the ship, the solar system, or even the galaxy based off known navigational charts.

Tied directly into a ship or stations sensor systems, the lab can project real time data via the holographic projectors; this allows people to see what is going on around them. The system can also project images of the surface of a planet, including structure and plant life. There are a series of consoles located toward the front of the room nearest the entrance, these consoles are used to determine what is displayed on the holographic system, this includs planets, nebula's, star systems, and other steller objects; along with these consoles includs the IDT system.

Because of the rooms complex systems, it requires constant maintenance, but this is off-set by how unique and useful the room is.


The following is a list of systems found in this room.

Holographic Projectors

The Holographic Projectors are the staple of the room, which is what projects the holographic views of an orbitting planet or other ships and other things around a ship. These projects are built into the very room, which means the entire room is a one very large holo-deck, with the exception of the area nearest the entry-way.

Control Interfaces

The A.L. takes advantage of the IDT system, which allows those who are operating the lab to more easily manipulate the information beign presented.