Table of Contents

Nepleslian Marine Self-Defense Training

Nepleslian Marine Self-Defense Training is a mixed martial art taught to soldiers in the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps and Nepleslian Star Navy.


Nepleslia's military developed its fighting training program in YE 33.


This guide will teach you the basics of Marine Corps self-defense and ground-fighting.

Section 1: Know Yourself

Know your strengths and weaknesses before you head into a situation. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses helps you get into a situation with proper training and techniques to use that don’t stress you out.

Self-knowledge is a powerful tool. You can’t get into a fight if you don’t know how to fight. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you get into situations with tactics and techniques that don’t break you down.

We’ve been conditioned to “do what you gotta do”, to do what you’re told, to follow your lead. That’s bad. There are many situations where your life is in danger, where there’s a chance of you being beaten and getting hurt. If you know what you’re weak in and how to fight to overcome those weaknesses, you’re going to have a better chance of coming out of that situation ok.

When you train and study something, you’re going to learn your strengths and weaknesses and you’re going to know how to fight to overcome those weaknesses. That’s what martial arts is all about. That’s how you become a better fighter.

Learn your own weaknesses. Do all the things you can to not be at your weakest. Take up a new sport if you’re tired of training. That doesn’t mean you’re weak, it just means you want a different challenge.

There are many things you can do to be at your strongest.

Learn what your weaknesses are in self-defense and be strong in them. A lot of people want to train to become great in a certain technique. That’s not what martial arts is about. That’s like having a goal of becoming great in something else like running fast or jumping high. No one becomes great by training in one thing over and over again.

If you’re interested in learning how to defend yourself, you have to learn the whole body of self-defense. Not one part of it, but you have to learn all of it and it has to be in conjunction with the rest of your life.

It doesn’t mean you have to have great strength in every self-defense technique. You don’t have to be strong in kicking, but you have to be strong in fighting and that’s about the whole body of martial arts. That’s a very big part of this.

That’s a big misconception that you have to be a strong fighter to learn self-defense, but that’s wrong. You can be a weak fighter, but if you learn a self-defense technique that works for you and helps you at that time in your life, that’s what’s important.

Section 2: Know Your Enemy

The first thing you have to do is know who your enemy is. That means you have to be able to take the whole person and know what they want, how they operate, what they’re like, their behavior, their personality, and their weaknesses.

You have to be able to do that. You also have to know yourself. How do you fight? What are your strengths and your weaknesses? Why do you need to defend yourself? What are you looking for in a training partner? What does it take to win a fight?

Once you have that information, you can start making sense of the skills you’ll be learning and you can apply those to real-life situations.

You can’t just learn self-defense techniques and think, “Oh, well that’ll be great when I’m in a fight.” You need to know your self-defense, you need to know your enemy, and you need to know how to apply that knowledge. If you don’t know how to do any of that, you’re never going to be able to apply those skills in the real world.

Section 3: Know Your Environment

The next thing you have to do is understand how your surroundings affect your ability to defend yourself. For example, if you’re on a bus or a train and someone’s got a knife, how are they going to use that knife? What weapons can they use? If you know your environment, you can predict their behavior and you can know if they’re a threat to you or not.

You also have to know who has a strong interest in harming you and who would have a motive to harm you. Do they have a reason to want to hurt you? If you can understand that, you can think about what you might do in that situation. You can think about how you might avoid getting hurt. You can think about how you might be able to defend yourself in that situation.

This is the hardest and the most important part of learning self-defense: You have to know your environment.

Section 4: Learn to Fight

After you’ve done all that, you need to learn how to actually fight. The most important thing is to fight smart. If you learn a bunch of techniques, but you fight stupid, you’re going to get yourself hurt.

There are three things that you need to understand when you’re fighting: The first one is the distance between your opponents. You have to understand where the gaps are. So for example, you have two people in a fight. If you think about the distance between them, what’s the easiest way for them to attack? The easiest way is for them to get to the gap.

The second thing you need to understand is how they use their weapons. So there are different kinds of weapons. People have different arms and hands. You need to be able to figure out which one to use and how to use it. Then you have your own body. You have your size and your strength and the weight of your body. You need to know your body and how it works.

The last thing is that, when you fight, you need to be thinking about what you’re going to do next. When you’re fighting, if you’re thinking about what you’re going to do next, you’re not going to get hurt.

Section 5: Practice

The final part of this process is to actually put it to practice. A lot.

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2021/09/26 13:17.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.