Table of Contents

New Dusk Conclave: Military News

Logo goes here
Trade Title:
Yamataian Title:
Main Broadcaster:
Main Studio: Where the show was recorded/made
Main Audience: Age range
Content Types: Add in type and genre (Entertainment, Documentary, News
Seasons: If applicable
Episodes: If applicable
Aired: DATE - DATE


The plot or general content of the show.


Where the characters or actors are listed, format derived.

Character Name

Nickname or colloquial title
picture of character
General Information Physical Characteristics
Species: Height:
Gender: Clothing: A short descriptor of the character's usual appearance
Age: Eyes:
Role: either their job or trope they fulfill Hair:
Special Attributes: Based on: If applicable


A more elongated description of a character or actor.


Inspiration and Design

If applicable, the physical inspiration for the character and their design. Otherwise, an extend explanation of their concepts