Table of Contents

Independent Trans-System Model Confederation

The Confederation is an minarchic, anarchistic, socially oriented nation formed entirely of expats from various nations of the Kikyo Sector. Localised in the uncharted space of the Astral Sector, it was designed as an alternative nation for pioneers, visionaries, political refugees and people generally dissatisfied with the old order of things.


The Confederation emerged first as a political movement in opposition to the the ruling classes and systems of the various civilisations in the Kikyo Sector sector. Citizens, disgruntled by unchanging political environments and censorship of large issues that affected them, began to band together and discuss these problems. Several began spinning potential solutions to their plights.

Ultimately, with these individuals connected via modern communications, a model society was drafted and enough people decided to try and make it a reality. Taking their wealth and belongings with them, an exodus from across the standing civilisations in the Kikyo Sector began. People looking for a better life, more opportunities, and more accountable society. A little here and there, but in some places a lot. The society promised a focus on inward perfection rather than external militarism.

Word went out to congregate around a world on the new frontier, unknown space that had recently been announced as open to Independents. Coming together, they utilised their past experiences and titles, based on merit rather than other measure, to mold the society they'd like to see by their own hands.



The Confederation is a society that values self-preservation and autonomy above anything else when it comes to international politics. Consisting of a collective which elect to stay by their own volition and in pursuit of a shared ideal, any attempt at external invasion would result in the nation simply evaporating and reappearing somewhere else in the galaxy. In the same vein, the Confederation holds a doctrine of benign neutrality to all other nations. While being open for free trade, the Confederation doesn't hold much of a military presence and tries not to take sides.


The Confederation is a land of opportunity, where no one person is at the summit. There's no ruling family, body or class. What is agreed upon universally as the reason to come, is to forge a new life and society free from the taboos and neglect of other nations. Any movement towards greed, exploitation and disingenuousness is universally regarded as antithetical to being a citizen of the Confederation.

Generally, all species and peoples are welcome in the Confederation. Not only that, people are encouraged to either try something entirely new, or bring along their skills from earlier in life. Usually, people can select their own jobs, ranks, or titles, as long as they don't claim to hold authority over another citizen.

The Confederation runs entirely on the idea of the 'consent of the governed'. People associate with those they wish to associate with, and work with those of similar professions. Over time, this has resulted in a system of syndicalism. Professionals mutually recognise those that seem to be competent from general consensus, and this recognition is passed on by word of mouth and reputation. Those that claim to be peacekeepers or judges are trusted by their reputations and the general consensus of how just they are. This idea runs throughout most jobs and roles in the Confederation. The currency of the realm is competency and reputation, rather than any government appointment or currency.

Vital Services

The Confederation has a “model” by which its citizens can voluntarily sign up, which provides some help with vital services and potential opportunities. While the base of the Confederation is based on anarchistic values, such as self-organisation and free-association, citizens can opt-in to participate in the “model”.

The “model” is ran by a central open-source computer system, which goes by the same name. “Model” forms a cyberocratic element, bypassing the need for conventional buerocracy. Instead of someone sitting at the top and needing to manually hand out and sign orders or statements, all of this is done by AI.

“Model” is primarily used as a means of connecting people who need a service with people who provide a service. With reputation being the primary 'currency' alongside bartering, “Model” keeps a record of past reviews and interactions that have been logged from these matches, which is publically available. This functions as a kind of 'liquid democracy', with your experiences of a person counting in a similar way to a vote for or against their trustworthiness and competency.

“Model” also serves a function to provide oversight to the three “vitals” of society. Justice (Courts), Preservation (Military) and Safety (Policing). Of all the people registered to “Model”, those with positive ratings are eligible for duty in providing this oversight. “Model” selects one of these people at random, and assigns them to one of the three responsibilities. They can choose to accept or decline. They then become one of three people in the Confederation that has some level of governmental authority, along with their two colleagues for the other “vitals”. They only have authority in their own area. This follows a system of demarchy - random appointment.

The Justice “vital” is responsible for ensuring a fair society. The main outlet for this is convening and approving sanctions for the masses to carry out. Almost exclusively, this comes in two forms, distribution or removal. Distribution is a punishment that comes in the form of confiscating claimed lands or possessed goods from someone who has grown too dominant in the Confederation. These are then distributed across all citizens randomly. Removal is an equivalent to Distribution, but used when a piece of equipment would be Distributed. Instead, this is rendered 'unclaimable' and moved to a public space where Model registers few artisans in an area which would use that equipment. This becomes free to use in perpetuity, to promote the growth of that profession in an area that needs it.

The Preservation “vital” is responsible for maintaining positive telations with foreign nations, as well as ensuring that there is some level of defence planning performed and available.

The Safety “vital” is responsible for following public opinion on what is and isn't acceptable behaviour. They are also able to issue Banishment. Banishment is given to individuals who aren't acting in the spirit of the Confederation. They are effectively 'outlawed' - cut off from any services, excluded from protection of all laws and ordered to leave the Confederation.

The three “vitals” are forbidden from deputising, delegating or otherwise creating new or current power. Collusion is also forbidden - “vitals” cannot meet in person and can only converse via “Model”. They can retire at any point, and become ineligible for future terms once they leave office. Once “Model” has determined that someone has accepted a “vital” position, a random time between 1 month and 1 year is selected. Once this time had expired, a new “vital” is selected to fill the office.

By Definitions

The TSSC is the following: Confederative, anarchical, demarchical, liquid democratic, council democratic, cyberocratic, republicanist, distributist, minarchist, communal and atheistic.


The Confederation, being a decentralised nation, doesn't have a central producer of new technologies and equipment. Generally, local inventors and artisans provide the majority of the goods and technologies to other citizens. Sometimes they form hierarchies based on mutual recognition, often in the form of a syndicate.

Citizens often take technology from the country they are leaving from. In this way, along with their race, new citizens bring the best of their past along with them. The Confederation has a de-emphasis on military technology and a higher focus on consumer products.

OOC Notes

ethereal created this article on 2022/09/03 16:08.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.