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Dj-E1-1a Seir-class Stealth Recon Corvette

The Seir is a stealth recon corvette designed for infiltration into enemy territories or recon.

About the Ship

The Seir was designed as a means to give the Sahaad an early warning system as their fleets moved around their sector of space. Being capable of ranging out further, usually alone or in small groups the Seir was able to stalk enemy vessels for days or weeks at a time gathering necessary intelligence on enemy ship movements, communications and fleet numbers.

Key Features

Mission Specialization


Sleek, hooked bow that tapers off into a flattened wedge-shaped profile as it goes aft. The engine cones are flattened to assist in cutting down on the radar cross-section and profile as well as possible targeting from weapons fire. Color schemes tend to vary due to technology utilized by the craft.

History and Background

Originally conceived as fast-attack corvette and frigate killer, the Seir's thin armor and overcomplicated communications and sensors suites made it ill suited for the task. While the design had merit if used in groups to take down Frigate-class vessels, designers projected the losses would outweigh the victories against enemy sub-capital ships. Prototypes went to storage for over five years before they were brought back out with a different role in mind. Using their communication and sensor hardware that had been intended to make them efficient hunter-killers, Hijra Founderies engineers rebuilt the Seir from the ground up as a Stealth craft utilizing its small profile, powerful sensors and comm gear to its advantage as both an independent operator as well as a recon vessel for fleet movements.

Statistics and Performance



Total Crew: 5

Command: 1 Starship Operations: 1

Medical: 1 Maintenance: 2


Length: 120 meters Width: 85 meters Height: 35 meters Decks: 2

Propulsion and Range

FTL: 150c VA Plasma Drive:.310c Range: Three Weeks. Lifespan: Thirty Years with regular maintenance cycles and upkeep. Refit Cycle: Every Five Years as upgrades become available.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

Deck One
Deck Two

Compartment Layouts

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems


The framework of the Seir is a combination of fine carbon-nanofiber strands interwoven with aluminum to create a non-magnetic framework. Due to the prevalent usage of ferro-metallic substances the combination of carbon-nanofiber and aluminum creates a non-magnetic framework that can go undetected when swept with magnetic resonance scanners.

Inner Hull

The double-hull makeup of the Seir is comprised of both inner and outer layers of differentiating materials. The inner hull is most comprised of toughened Tungsten, and Boron plates with an outer carbon-graphite layer sandwiched between

Outer Hull

Computers and Electronics

Emergency Systems

Life Support Systems


Shield Systems

Weapons Systems


Vehicle Complement

