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Not Available
Species: Ecitoninae / Apoidea / Termitidae
Gender: N/A
Lifespan: 8-12 years
Height: 2-4 feet tall
Weight: 60-80 lbs.
Occupation: Worker / Harvester / Cannon Fodder


Drone's Role

Their primary job is construction and harvesting, or acting as meat shield in combat They are the spine of the colony

A common Drone only lives up to 10 years and lacks individual desire or even self preservation. They lack individuality and think nothing of their own position in life or even understand anything outside of their function. The Drone is a servant, created for nothing more than the tasks at hand for them. They either act as workers or soldiers, with a few helping in research for their hive mind abilities. Drones on their own are idiots and capable of only able to carry out, Drones in a group however are as intelligent as the number within the group.

Drones are typically seen in groups due to their hive mind like nature and their uselessness when one is alone. It is an odd case of personality when the number of Drones and age dictates the personality, interests, abilities, and sometimes communication of each group. The group is the “person” rather than the individual in this case, since they commonly communicate every second of their lives to each other to the point that they create their own hive mind.

Physical Description

Head - Small triangular with solid black eyes, an antennae rests at the forehead and the mouth is located at the bottom edge of the head along with a pair of mandibles.

Body - The squishy insides are covered by a light solid shell, color is determained by the location which it's colony or race it was grown from.

Hands - They can either be claws for digging, or 3 finger hands for working with simple weapons.


Drones are a collective intelligence that require a small group of them to form a mini hive mind to which to call their person. Each drone is responsible for a small part of what a human brain would normally handle, such as contemplation, thought, speech, and action. All these thoughts are done by a simple conversation by their single antennae, each drone speaks their part of the collective. Drones in sync with each other can change responsibilities at a rapid rate, and thus creating a group image, similar to that of an individual.

A collective intelligence can remain stable as long as the majority remains, otherwise it will be merged into a bigger and more stable group. If the group “Steve” lost a couple of it's members, and then gains two more, it will still call itself “Steve” with maybe a small change in personality. New members only need to sync with the remaining in order to reform the collective, and has no trouble dealing with large numbers. Members do not auto sync to other members, and can recognize each other by either smell or antennae vibration.

Since each Drone is short lived, it is to the collective belief of Drones to live for the sake of the Queen that they were born from. They see no reason to follow even most suicide orders, since they can die almost any time within their short life span. To them, maintaining the collective is up most important, as it is what develops as who they are, rather than the individual uniqueness.

Individually a Drone would act confused, and lack almost any intelligence as it can only think in one action at a time. An individual Drone is used for sending messages or orders but otherwise not for much else.

Drone groups will always attempt have similar quality of clothing. If one of the group was given or brought to the group that didn't match with the rest, it would be downgraded to fit with the rest of the group. A proper reward for a Drone group is to give the same clothing for the entire group. Gift giving to Drones becomes an expensive endeavor, and is rare because of it.

Unique Biology

-Drones have a limited nervous system, they feel very little pain and cannot sense heat very well.

-Head can live for 30 minutes after removed from body.

-Drones can carry two times their weight.

-Come with 3 finger hands (combat) or claws (worker).

-Single antennae for communication, communication is better done verbally because antennae communication is simplistic and like talking to a child.