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Surfacer Culture

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress.

While Surfacers are a hedonistic lot looking to live their lives to the fullest, they also have quite a few restrictions to that goal.

Familial Practices

Due to their monogamous nature, Surfacer families tend to be Nuclear families. This normally means a typical Surfacer Family consists of two parents of each gender who have two offspring. This makes Surfacer families, while more numerous due to the sub-species majority, the smallest families on Abwehr.

Folk Heroes

Traditional heroes of legend and mythos by region.

To be created

Marriage Practices

The Surfacer culture surrounding marriage.


With a population that has a 40 to 60 male to female ratio, the Surfacer Abwehrans have developed a culture much different from their Nightsider brethren. Preferring monogamous relationships in marriage than the Nightdweller's polygamist relations, having multiple lovers is mostly seen as common place when single, but in marriage anything non-monogamous is considered taboo.

The Ceremony

Much to their particular way, the traditional marriage ceremony of the Surfacer people is extravagant. Only a hedonistic society could decorate their ceremony to be second only to a royal wedding. Entire neighborhoods are invited to attend as either guests of the bride or the groom. Both bride and groom and attired in fine silks brightly decorated with colors ranging from gold to silver/platinum. Jewelry is commonplace on both and the exchange of symbols of love are a part of the ceremony. These symbols of love are not necessarily rings, but items that are important to both individuals.

With the increase in atheists among Surfacers, ceremonies done by state officials have become more commonplace. However, there are many other religious practices for marriage ceremonies. So many that they are hard to catalog. This has also led to many Surfacers creating their own ceremonies and practices.


Life on the temperate surface of Abwehr has lead to the Surfacer's predisposition more towards the life sciences than their technical brethren. The rather relaxing life style has also led to Surfacers taking up the arts and philosophy rather than anything menially difficult. Surfacers are also a highly social society. This can be seen in their Community Centers as well as their tendencies towards forming groups no matter the clique.


Recreational trends of Surfacers.

Communal Lounge Areas / Community Centers

Centers of relaxation and socialization, Communal Lounge Areas (also known as Community Centers) are normally large buildings where everyone in the community comes together. In these buildings, vast spaces dedicated to lounging around and socializing with others can be found as well as libraries of books. Alcohol is regularly served to adults, but only available to areas restricted to young children.

For the kids, there are several levels dedicated to playgrounds, swimming pools, and other activities. There are also several napping rooms for younger children that are run by dedicated nannies.


The Surfacers have no main religion at all. Most tend towards Atheism more than anything else, though there are a few smaller religions that can still be found among them. One religion involves the worship of a family's ancestors in order to bring spiritual protection and good luck while several other religions involve the worship of a single or multiple deities.


Though hedonistic, the paradoxical fact is that the Surfacers actually have more taboos in reproduction than the Nightwalkers. Homogenous acts of any kind is actually frowned upon in the Surfacer society as are many of the extreme turn-ons that can be found in more human societies. Even so, there are still Surfacers experiment with these taboos. After all, it's impossible for a hedonistic society to fully abandon the urge to test ones limits.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/03/09 10:14 by Abwehran Commander.