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Oase Defense Force

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

The Oase Defense force is important to the colony's solidarity. Instead of the city-states maintaining their own militias or military forces, the Oase Defense Force provides an unbiased source of law enforcement and military protection.

Total Personnel: 305,600
Defense Force Commander: Generaloberst Eginhard Weissenfeld

Law Enforcement Organization

Personnel responsible for maintaining law and order.

Total Law Enforcement Personnel: 10,450

Oase Central Investigation Bureau

Each City-State has a branch office of the CIB with the headquarters located in Saphirblauhafenstadt. A single branch office is comprised of 230 individuals: 200 being S.T.U.G personnel and 30 acting as administrative and investigative staff. This means the total amount of CIB personnel on Oase is 1150 personnel.

Oase City Marshals

The City Marshals of Oase are responsible for maintaining law and order in each city-state. Because each city started out with similar population sizes, each city-state currently has an equal number of enforcers.

Each City-State maintains about 1200 law enforcement personnel: 1000 enforcers and 200 support personnel. This means there are a total of 6000 personnel in the Oase City Marshals.

Oase Provincial Constabulary

Not everyone lives in the Oase City-States. These homesteaders have spread out across the planet to find their own way of life among the wilderness of a new world. Still, Abwehran Law must be maintained, thus the Provincial Constabulary divided the planet into ten large, unofficial zones of approximately 250,000 citizens each. Each zone has about 250 constables with 80 support personnel, making the grand total of personnel 3300.

Planetary Military Organization

Personnel that fill a military capacity.

Total Military Personnel 295,150


While land is at a premium on Oase, the Landwehr of the colony is much larger than that found on Eisjewwl. This is mostly due to the greater number of cities than the other world. Because of this, five Planetary Fortresses are needed per city to generate an Umbrella Shield over a city. This means twenty-five Planetary Fortresses are need just for the cities. Then there's a need to provide shelter for the homesteaders of the planet, which requires another ten to protect them1).

This means a total of 35 Brigades are needed by the Landwehr to man them. Twenty five Brigades total up to a single Corp of Landwehr. Officially, the Landwehr of Oase is listed as a Field Army in strength, even though they only reach a Corp plus two Divisions in reality. Thus, the Landwehr of Oase fields a total of 261,000 personnel.

1st Oase Corp

Provincial Divisions


There are no Air Fleets currently on Oase. However, fighter squadrons with support staff are stationed in every Planetary Fortress. There is normally a couple of Air Groups worth of fighters plus transports in every Fortress2). Because of this, the Oase Luftwaffe is comprised of 12,250 personnel.


Each City-State is a port city on Oase, which means each city-state fields a single Fleet of the Kriegsflotte. A single fleet comprises approximately 4380 personnel, which makes the total Kriegsflotte personnel count 21,900.

Oase Kriegsflotten

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/07/07 11:34 by Abwehran Commander.

one per unofficial province
350 personnel