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Hafen Planetary Government

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Basing it's government off of its home nation, the Hafen Planetary government runs on a parliamentary system only replacing a monarch with an elected Prime Minister and the bicameral legislature replaced with a unicameral one.

Prime Minister and Advisers

Since there can only be one Monarch in the Abwehran Star Empire, Hafen's Parliamentary government is headed by a Prime Minister. Popularly elected, the Prime Minister serves three terms of 2 Abwehran Years (8 standard years) each. He is assisted by a council of Advisers that are appointed by the Hafen Parliament and approved by the Upper Court. Advisers are appointed after the office of Prime Minister changes hands.

Adviser Positions

Hafen Parliament

A group of 100 Representatives popularly elected by Hafen's citizens, the Hafen Parliament is responsible for creating the laws of the colony. Each Representative can be elected two terms with each term lasting a single Abwehran Year (4 standard years).

Hafen Upper Court

Instead of being popularly elected, the Senior Magistrates of the Upper Court are appointed by the Prime Minister and approved by the Hafen Parliament. Each Senior Magistrate serves the Upper Court for a single term of 3 Abwehran Years (12 standard years) before others can be appointed.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/07/08 20:01 by Abwehran Commander.