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Fauna of Abwehr

Tougher than many creatures in the known galaxy, the fauna on the planet of Abwehr can be quite deadly if provoked.


Creatures that have been domesticated to serve the Abwehrans in some way.


Hochland Ram

A large, hexapedal Mammal that reaches a height of 1.6 meters to the shoulder, the Hochland Ram is an alpine herbivore known to stay in groups of twenty to thirty known as a “Haufen”. A Ram has a length of 1.8 meters with an elongated snout, thick legs, and a pair of antlers that branch out from its head much like trees do from the ground. They come in black, white, and tan fur colors and have hard, gray hooves.

The Hochland Ram is usually a very docile animal that feeds upon a variety of grasses. However, a male Ram can often get aggressive during the breeding season which leads to many battles against other males by using their antlers.

Hochland Rams are no longer found in the wild and are now raised in Highland Ranches. The meat and milk of a Hochland Ram are common on Abwehr and in the colonies as well because of the Ram's adaptability. Variants of the Hochland Ram can be found in Temperate Plains, Tundra, and even Deserts.


A hexapedal, cattle animal that only reaches a height of 60 centimeters from ground to shoulder, but is nearly a meter wide and 1.4 meters long. With smooth, gray skin, the Fresa is a plains creature that feeds upon grasses. It has a stubby snout and stout legs with hardened hooves. It is not very fast due to its proportions, but has a pair of 12 centimeter tusks and a pair of 4 centimeter tusks in front of those. These were used for defense when it was still a wild animal, but has yet to be bred out because of predators that can still enter their grazing lands.

The Fresa is the natural prey of the Tyrani and is often used as bait to lure the reptilian predators out. As a domesticated creature, the Fresa is raised for its meat. It is rather dirty in comparison to other domesticated animals and is often used to describe messy individuals (ie: “You're a mess! Are you an Abwehran or a Fresa!?”).


A descendant of the Höhlewolf, the ??? is a compact creature with well-developed muscles and very few traits linking it to its wilder cousin. Domesticated to be used as a hunting companion, the ??? is a stout, hexapedal creature that reaches a height of 36 to 40 centimeters at the withers and can weight as much as 18 to 20 kilograms. With a double coat of fur that comes in the colors of cream, crimson, or black, the ???'s fur is short around the face, ears, and legs with guard hair reaching four to five centimeters. The ??? tail curves up and around with hair slightly longer than the guard hairs. The outer fur of the ??? is course and straight while the inner fur is soft and thick.

A common household and rural pet, the ??? is an independent-minded and intelligent creature. Some owners have difficulty with a ??? obedience training, but training from an young age can breed a loyal companion. They are a cleanly breed, often cleaning and grooming themselves. A ??? will even go as far as too step around or jump over puddles to keep from getting dirty. Because of this, they are very easy to house train. However, since they are a hunting dog, they are very active.



A squat, rotund lizard that reaches a length of one meter and a height of only 70 centimeters from ground to shoulder, the Höhlestier is another hexapedal omnivore with a short, stubby tail and clawed, four-toed feet. The Höhlestier claws are hardened and used to dig through the tough soil of mountainous regions. Höhlestier's usually have brown or dull green scales and elongated snouts to house a pair of infrared sensory organs.

The Höhlestier is a warm-blooded lizard with a fickle temperament. At one moment, it can be docile and then get riled up a minute later. It is, however, a domesticated creature for its hide and meat. It's pins are normally metallic in nature and actually reach down under the cavern floor to keep them from burrowing out. Of course, some ground is left inside the pin to give the Höhlestier some resting holes.


Certain creatures on Abwehr are actually placed into specialized reserves where they can maintain large populations in order to be used as a resource by the Abwehrans. However, they are allowed to roam in these reserves wild and free.









A sleek reptile that extends to a length of 1.3 meters and a height of one meter from ground to shoulder, the Tyrani is quite possibly the most dangerous predator on Abwehr. This has nothing to do with its slender, hexapedal frame, its ten centimeter long, serrated claws, or even its 15 centimeter fangs. The Tyrani is a fast, carnivore that hunts in pack-like groups called “Griff” and normally number in the dozens to several dozens. Reaching to a speed of nearly 112 KPH for about 400 meters distance, a Griff of Tyrani has the capability of taking down a group of armed Abwehran hunters with ease (if they are not careful).

It is because of the viciousness and ability of a Tyrani that Tyrani Hunting has become the traditional sport of proving to everyone that an Abwehran Male is 'a Man'. An Abwehran who hunts and bags even a single Tyrani is hailed as a powerful individual. Most Tyrani though are placed into specialized reserves for both hunting and the harvesting of their durable hides for some of the toughest leather on Abwehr, which is normally a tan-color to begin with.

Unlike many species on Abwehr, the Tyrani is actually a hermaphroditic creature, which means it is able to change its sexual gender as needed. This allows a Griff with too few of one gender to have a few individuals switch to another to continue breeding. Combined with the fact that they can lay nearly a dozen eggs at a time means it's difficult to regulate their population.


Wild creatures that roam the various environments of Abwehr.









A strong, hexapedal predator, the Höhlewolf is actually a surface predator. It got its name from the way it actually it enters caverns and holes to hunts its prey. The Höhlewolf is a stout creatures that reaches a height of 60 centimeters at the withers and has a double layer of fur, the outer one coarse and the inner one soft and thick. Their fur is normally black in coloration, but a few have been seen with black and tan fur. Höhlewolves normally hunt and live in small pack groups called “Trupp”, which range from ten to twenty individuals.

The favored prey of the Höhlewolf is the Höhlestier, and Trupps of Höhlewolfs often run into the Höhlestier's warrens to scare them out for the quick kill. However, Höhlewolfs will also go after lone Hochland Rams when possible.

