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SnS Mech Power Core

The Power Core is a power system used in the mechs of the Shasta No Sekai Corporation. It is the primary power converter of Energy Cell into useable power for mechs and mecha.

Year of Creation YE 40
Designer Shasta No Sekai Corporation
Manufacturer Shasta No Sekai Corporation
Fielded by Shasta No Sekai Corporation
Availability Limited Production


The Power core was developed in YE 40 as part of Shasta No Sekai Corporation's ongoing efforts to enhance the power systems of their first line of mechs. It was initially designed to provide a more efficient and robust energy source, allowing the mechs to operate at peak performance for extended periods.

Function and Design

The Power core utilizes a series of rechargeable energy cells arranged in a matrix configuration. The cells are made of durandium alloy and are designed to store and release vast amounts of energy efficiently. This allows the mechs to power their various systems, weapons, and subsystems effectively during combat and other operations.

The matrix is housed deep within the core of the mech, providing a centralized and secure location for the power source. The energy cells are connected to a series of alternators, which keep them charged through the movement of the mech itself, reducing the dependency on external charging sources.

In the event of severe damage to the power core, the core can unleash an uncontrollable energy release equal to that of a large energy bomb.


The HyperCell Power Matrix is a compact and robust component, efficiently utilizing space within the mech's core. Its dimensions are .7 meters in height, 1.5 meters in width, and 1 meter in depth, with a weight of 500 kilograms.

The exterior of the Power core is encased in durandium alloy plating, providing additional protection to the energy cells and internal mechanisms. The component is also equipped with various indicator lights and monitoring ports, allowing technicians to perform regular maintenance and inspections.

With the Power core at the heart of their mechs, Shasta No Sekai Corporation pilots can confidently engage in combat and carry out their missions with an ample and reliable energy supply.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2023/07/25 13:01.

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