Table of Contents

Lethe Station


In most pages the history section should be the first sub-section on the page.

Put appearances in RP in this section with links1).


Describe the place in detail in this section.

For planets, you can describe their characteristics of numbers in this section (e.g. surface gravity and rotation) but avoid blocks of stats. Use complete sentences please.


How can characters reach this place and how do they get around once they're there?

Please link to any nearby places that they would normally come from, such as the adjacent cities on a rail line.


What is the local population like? Who's here?


Here's an automatic list of all characters currently in this place (based on structured data from their character pages).

Nothing found

RP Opportunities

Talk about what characters can experience and do here. Got recommendations? Ideas? Help fuel some RP.

Local Rumors

Put plot hooks and local rumors in this section.


Optional section for place inventory. Is there anything cool here to find? Does the place have a stockpile of supplies (e.g. military bases)? It's okay to title this section “Assets” if you prefer.

OOC Notes

Ace created this article on 2021/04/10 09:37.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

as footnotes