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Yume (Yielded User Memetic Interface)

WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

YUME is a networkable neural interface which can be networked. Unlike other systems, it is designed to create 100% tangible and believable experiences. This is done by tricking the brain into a dream-state and then providing ideas, diagrams, concepts and information (rather than raw stimulus) and letting the brain itself turn that information into experiences much as one does during a dream - skipping the sensory processing entirely.

In a sense, by using the brain as a game environment, rather than an outside computer, the experience is indistinguishable from reality, needing deliberate reminders to ensure the user does not forget.

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OOC: Basically, YUME is a way to create artificial but hugely believable environments. This can be useful for both GMs and players to create new roleplaying experiences which would not otherwise be possible - which can be built out of a person’s experiences, allowing players to experience one another’s memories, experience, beliefs and empathies in a way previously not possible.

For example, characters which would otherwise never meet (or their meeting would disrupt the flow of roleplay in a given plot) can meet up together through a networked experience or ‘dream’. This experience can consist of anything from players educating other players, games, escapism, idealism, sex or just sharing memories and experiences to form closer social bonds.

Also useful is YUME’s potential to those in the field of mental health and also those in the field of interrogation.


YUME can be used in a low-depth without seriously disrupting a users experience of reality - allowing them to literally be in two places at once. In much the same way, a user can pile on multiple YUME sessions simultaneously - without investing themselves completely in any single one — though the amount a user can invest themselves is a limited quantity - generally referred to as depth, which can be altered in realtime.

A user can dive deeper into an experience, experiencing a psychedelic form of time dilation (with hours elapsing inside minutes), new experiences of reality, synesthetia and even the emotions and semantics of another person alongside ego-death - functioning as a single blended mind for a limited time. These unusual depths can unfortunately only be reached by experienced users.

A user can also ascend, diving out of an experience: allowing multiple concurrent sessions the shallower each experience is, making room for the others.

Unfortunately, a user only has so much depth available to them at any given time (which is affected by physical stress, psychological status, focus, etc). As a user descends deeper in a given session or dream, they must let go: their experience of reality becoming shallower: less nuanced and authentic.

At all times, the user is in control of their depth and their sessions and is able to disconnect at any time.

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OOC: In this sense, YUME means unusual experiences (which previously demand the use of drugs) can be achieved — the complete archive of a persons lifetime played back in just a few days from that persons perspective, the sharing and transmission of values, empathy, belief, thoughts, experiences and memory.


The transmission of experiences and memories is entirely at the discretion of users and cannot be forced upon them without causing serious neurological damage, memory-loss and psychological trauma as if the recording of new information is unwilling, the new data will not successfully merge fully with the old data if the subject is unwilling.

Information which can be exchanged from user to user includes, but is not limited to PEEBTEM (Perspective, experience, ego, belief, thoughts, experience and memory)

This information will not override a users existing PEEBTEM data but will simply be ‘available’ as a user attempts to recall it. Potentially, if enough of another person has been shared willingly, an impression is made.


An emergent behaviour, an impression is a sort of primitive naturally occurring artificial intelligence or independent ego intelligence (Iei - ‘eye’). In this sense, it isn’t unlike an imaginary friend and can be used to guide or influence the behaviour of the recipient as an impression of the person or people it is constructed from - ever present whenever the user requests the presence of their Iei. Iei can provide motivation, wisdom, knowledge, guidance and experience of the user: acting as an interface for the PEEBTEM data collection accumulated. Multiple Iei can exist in a single user, can be merged or even forgotten and dismissed, though they never truly die once implanted into a person: sleeping silently in the user’s unconsciousness.