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Aspertyne Type-1 Special Operational Equipment for Winter II

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.


Designed for long-ranged standoffs, perimeter protection and surgical strikes, the Aspertyne AN/808 was originally designed totally disregarding the original scale and functional limits of the frame at the time – intended to be used as a starship mounted weapon with the motif of using several smaller sub-main guns as an array rather than the Yamataian design philosophy of a single overriding weapon.

Unfortunately the immaturity of Lazarus' own unique approach to aetheric technologies and sciences meant miniaturizing the weapon was difficult and costly. Rather than produce an underpowered overweight rifle, the decision was to instead modify the Aspertyne to be the single biggest weapon that could be mounted on a frame – with sacrifices coming on the side of the frame's performance rather than the cannon's own. Instead, these design problems would become secondary concerns, addressed not with design changes but with additions specific to both the frame and its loadout.


The Aspertyne Type-1 Special Operational Equipment or 'SOE-1' consists of special equipment and modifications mounted to the Winter II frame in order to bring it up to spec to make optimal use of the weapon. Changes are extensive, including replacing many of its default mounted equipment.

In terms of raw performance per scale, the Aspertyne pushes what is known to be conventionally possible with a frame: While impressive, it is hazardous to both pilot and frame and for repeated reliable use requires a supply-line be in place.

During conventional operation, the CE-308 extensions vent and create a rapid core-dump which is then re-collected by the GN-102 Core-Reciever and fed directly to the aetheric pre-fire chamber of the weapon. This has the added benefit of not stressing the frame's own internal systems (which would be cooked by the sheer output of starship grade aether being weaponized) and also serves to stabilize the shot.


The SOE-1 is broken up into sub-components which can be replaced quickly on deck, be stored redundantly and be exploited for other specialized packages and special operational equipment.

CE-308 Condenser Extensions

A technology still in its infancy at the time of its conception, condenser extensions – known as aether magnums, allow not just short-term storage of aether but long-term stores of high-grade shots already produces elsewhere another time prior to the battle by a starship's own high-grade aetheric systems. They essentially allow a machine to bring a harder aetheric punch than their own powerplant is even remotely capable of - though with the drawback of limited ammunition.

The CE-308 is loosely based on the C4R modules found throughout the Winter II and is basically an enlarged version, even partially extruding from the hull to reveal its own rectifiers which are used to handle an aeon core-dump.

The Condenser Extensions fit in Interstitial Slots and replace the MG/C328 Mercurial Multi-purpose field-projection Drone – leaving the frame less well defended, less conventionally energetic efficient and slower.

A set of 16 fully loaded magnums can deliver three full powered 8-second shock-cannon grade shots before requiring a beam-transmission refill.

CT-473 Aeon Collector Assembly

Whether Yamataian engineers are aware of it or not, all use of an aetheric device, be it generators, weapons or even turbo-ether propulsion systems, leave scattered aeons which were pulled into our universe but never successfully captured. The CT-473 is originally designed to ensure no amount of the core dump is wasted – containing its own Aura powerplant slaved to that of the frame for improved output.

Originally designed as a reciever assembly, the large and bulky CT-473's main job is to sit on the back of the frame and receive aeon beam transmissions from a parent starship in order to provide additional useful shots. Secondarily however, it can not only be used as a long-range aetheric sensor (which can be triangulated if many units are networked – ideal during long-distance pursuits or defensive network establishment) but to also recieve friendly core-dumps.

Against an enemy making extensive use of aetheric systems, the CT-473 recharges and recovers far more quickly, allowing the Aspertyne to be fired far more often – the frequency of this fire scaling dynamically with the size and count of the enemy's own aetheric powerplant.

The unit is fitted behind the left shoulder and is a large disc shaped assembly.


Fitted directly behind the CT-473 are spotters: spherical sized sensor packages loaded with quantum sensors, each about the size of a basket-ball. Their purpose is to be precision launched using gravitational slingshot: In this way, the CT-473 provides approximate ranging and positioning information while the Spotters then take in more specific information allowing for effective targetting. This is very important, since the effective range of the Aspertyne far exceeds the effective targetting range of the Winter II itself.

Often, spotters are supplemented with other frames acting in similar roles as well as the long-range targetting systems of a starship.

CR-222 Core-Reciever

A long large rectangular unit fitted to the left arm which resembles a long symmetrical shield, the CR-222 Core-Reciever's job is to suck up the core-dump as quickly as possible and feed it directly to the Aspertyne, which it feeds through a thick armored aether-solenoid.

The purpose here is that a core-dump must be used due to the sheer volume of energy involved, which would cook the Winter II's own onboard aether solenoids very quickly. By using the external core-dump as a sort of outboard energy capacitor, it not only provides protection and shot stabilization but also means the shot itself can be sustained.

When in use, the device opens length-ways, revealing a harmonica-like collection assembly inside. Importantly, the CR-222 can not only recieve aeons but also vent them, creating a primative but effective aetheric shield for moments at a time or a scattering flak-shot designed to make an enemy back off as quickly as possible.

When not in use, the CR-222 either sits against the Aspertyne behind the right shoulder or can be used as a physical shield, since armor materials are fitted over it.


A large bulky thick exoskeletal covering which fits over the entire frame, Plast-Plate is similar to the ceramic materials used in the machines own exoskeletal but is supplemented by a structol weave and early hardlight technology.

Its purpose is to protect the frame and pilot from the dangerous emissions of the Aspertyne and Core-Dump when firing.

Entering a combat theatre, plast-plate sits in sacks on the hip-fins and inside specially modified intermediaries. When activated, plast-plate is pumped into temporary hard-light casts in a plasma-form then cooled using casimir systems and condensed into a thick adhoc armor with hard-light rebar and beam-drive providing additional protection and fortification.

Aesthetically, it makes the frame look much chunkier and heavier, almost totally removing its delicate and waif-like appearance.

When leaving the combat theatre, plast-plate is purged, granting the frame its mobility once more, allowing it to leave the combat theatre.