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Structol Independent Munition

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

With the growing aptitude of structol based systems, the SIM is a self-guiding self-propelled multi-function intelligent munition comparable to a missile. Unlike a missile, it is formed ad-hoc when required from the structol outer-skin of a unit and primed with a combined propellant and warhead of plasma and antimatter dumped from propulsive vents.

For the most part, SIM requires no special hardware and is simply a software update to any unit using common plasma/antimatter ducting systems and structol on the same chassis.

More Information

Unlike contemporary common missile systems, SIM needs no specialized launcher. It repurposes the gravitational control components to shape the round beneath its outer-skin and then uses a flash-trigger of the units fold-unit to throw the round toward the target. From there, the round guides by vectoring its pressurized plasma contents (acting similarly to a RAM-jet in atmosphere) behind itself and in controlled lateral bursts, meaning the round is often smart enough to recognize it is being fired upon and take evasive actions accordingly.

The round can also come to a complete stop and for as long as its internal structol capacitor allows, wait for a target to come to it and then guide itself to that target in a manner not at all unlike a mine.


It does unfortunately expend a quantity of the structol outer-coating of a unit which can reduce protection over a single area. For extended use and repeated use, aether-to-matter conversion systems producing fresh structol on demand are recommended.

Payload Options

"Sticky" Tactical suppression round

The cap of the round fragments before striking a target, revealing a sticky surface which explodes against a target, gumming up vents and transmission systems and covering sensors, absorbing electromagnetic signals before they strike the sensors in question, blinding whatever sensors it strikes.

6 seconds later, the material hardens into a thick hard gummy resin who's bonds grow tighter, the more then object beneath struggles, limiting moving parts such as nozzles, limbs, legs, heads, etcetera. This gum requires specialist cutting tools to remove.


The surface of the structol round can be exploded in a proximity detonation of razor sharp structol darts or shaped fragments not unlike a variable velocity shotgun blast. Important is that the detonation can be funelled to pick out a specific target – for example, moving over a target and exploding down upon it or moving through a structure and exploding only to the left and not to the right. This function helps reduce collateral during tactical strikes.

This warhead option requires no antimatter.

Antimatter penetrating warhead

A concept inspired by the recent HALO type packet-rifle, the AP warhead pushes the antimatter content into a long fifty thick needle - a specially timed plasmic explosion around the capped needle creating a brief vacuum between the antimatter and the surface of the structure it strikes, lancing into a target and burrowing into it with inertia carrying the complete round and the remaining plasma into the target. The structol warhead carcass then bottles the hole to maximize pressure stresses inside the target during the explosion as plasmic confinement fails and antimatter annihilation takes place inside the target.

Flash-burst Warhead

The FB-Warhead takes an unusual approach, detonating the antimatter contents to trigger a high-yield annihilation event between matter and antimatter. The result is a tremendous visible flash overwhelming most electromagnetic sensors in an area. As a secondary effect, a brief nuclear fission chain reaction is triggered in the immediate vicinity which releases a second flash seconds later - the result of both interfering with EM dependent sensors and communications while irradiating personnel and civilians in the area.

“Even if you're armored, if there's no sensor screen covering and you're only looking through transparent materials like a canopy or faceplate… It feels like like someone is arc-welding next to you and you're only wearing really basic sun-glasses, even if you close your eyelids… And this is a thing that's like maybe a kilometer away.” - My'ean “Blackwolf” Idoku Fyunnen, LSDF test-pilot

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2012/10/28 11:40 by Osaka/Osakanone.