Table of Contents

‘Panacea’ Automated Medical Suite

A Work In Progress

Designed by the Lazarus Consortium Consortium in conjunction with United Manufacturing Cooperative for the purpose of providing affordable, readily available, and high-end medical procedures (as well as meeting quota for United Manufacturing Cooperative affiliation), the Automated Medical Suite ‘Panacea’ was put into production YE 36.


Originally the brainchild of Miles Gunn, for the combination purpose of lining his pocket book, earning a degree of fame, saving lives, and being able to take weekends off to teach the Lorath Matriarchy the fine game of golf. Beyond those reasons, and Miles’ own input, was the agenda of the Lazarus Consortium. Market presence an important factor for Lazarus’ success, and as determined by focus groups, not only within Lazarus, but also independently organized focus groups convened by affiliates which have worked with Lazarus heavily; such as the Lorath Matriarchy Matriarchy, and the United Manufacturing Cooperative, as well as the shell company affiliated with Lazarus, la_grange. What was determined through focus group study was that the largest market presence came in the form of health and beauty products. With full knowledge that the supply hurdles involved with cosmetic products and hygiene products would simply be too cost intensive; the Lazarus Consortium exercised the use of their employee’s design, and concluded the best way to bring it to market was to distribute through the United Manufacturing Cooperative.

What came of the endeavor into the realm of health and beauty was an automated machine which was designed for the purpose of providing a user with access to nearly the full range of services which would ordinarily require an appointment with a hospital facility, and the time invested by medical experts. Beyond that, the machine was also designed to eliminate the need to consult cosmetic experts as well, such as plastic surgeons, beauticians, and fashion consultants. It was honestly a ‘shotgun’ approach to entering the health and beauty market, and with that blast of effort, the Lazarus Consortium brought into being a machine which could set bones, mend wounds, analyze and sequence DNA, style hair, manufacture attire, administer high-end drugs, produce and install cybernetics, and even give a full spa and internal/external massage treatment, happy endings included.

When the ‘Panacea’ was taken into focus group testing, there was a distinctive range of responses and interests in regard to the machine. While 12% of the potential market found the suite distasteful, there was a 38% portion which found the ‘Panacea’ to be of interest to the point of receiving the stellar review of; ‘I would use this product’. What was most notable was a 42% portion of the focus group which stated in their review documentation that there was minimal interest in the suite for medical treatment, however, a majority of interest was focused upon ‘elective procedures’, ‘cosmetic services’, and ‘stress reduction’ functions. An 8% portion of the study group expressed a distinctive interest in ‘psychological conditioning’ functions which were made available by the equipment included in the machine.

Despite some of the ‘alarming’ results of focus group studies, the Lazarus Consortium and United Manufacturing Cooperative decided to put the suite into full production, aimed at a wide range of markets, from military to impoverished civilian, units are even being marketed to commercial retailers as self-serve units. Private owner operators have also displayed an interest, and have even petitioned that the Lazarus Consortium make a development kit available for end users; to which the Consortium gladly complied, allowing for end users to modify the software functions of the machine, however, hardware functions have been made quite inaccessible, for trade secret reasons.

General Information

Manufacturer: Lazarus Consortium, United Manufacturing Cooperative, and Affiliates Distribution: Domestic and Export User Serviceable Components: Software and Limited Hardware Cost: 25,000 KS, Sponsorships and Leases Available Software & Network Compatibility: Cross Platform Compatibility

Equipment List & Technical Information

Component 1

Operation of ‘Panacea’


Designed to be operated by non-specialist users, the ‘Panacea’ medical suite is designed for ease of access as a foremost concern for users. In a single user application, the medical suite has been designed to allow for a user to pre-input their instructions for the intended procedure in which the user is intending to receive. Instructions are placed into the machine via a control interface located on the exterior of the machine. This interface has been designed to function through user-friendly conventional tactile input. There is also a neural-interface option available for users to allow for an in-depth instruction process. Users are given a full layman's explanation as to the procedures in which they are browsing/shopping for, as well as fully interactive AI driven consultation though the user interface, users are able to determine just what they are intending to purchase in regard to services provided by the machine. upon completion of the instruction portion of the transaction, the user is then able to place themselves into the machine, where they would then have the option of receiving verbal prompts as to what stage of the procedure is being carried out, or, neural interface input as to their status. Users can also elect to have no input at all. During procedures which would require sedation, or as an elective option, the user/patient would be sedated; however, an option is available to provide users with a temporary neural interface link-up, or to link to an existing networking device, for the purpose of providing the user with an immersive virtual simulation to pass their time. Not only can this function be used to pass time, it can also be used as a means of providing selective psychological conditioning input for users which have selected a desire to receive such services. An exciting feature available to the automated medical suite is the option of allowing for a second user to provide input into the operation of the suite for another user. This allows for medical personal to actively operate the suite or, for a trusted individual to be able to guide a given series of services to be carried out upon the patient. Largely, an interest has been displayed by potential users interested in cosmetic procedures and 'therapeutic stress relief treatments“ in regard to suite operation via non-patient party.

User Interface

Marketing Feature

Non-Procedure Services

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2014/03/17 09:33 by DocTomoe.