Table of Contents

Enemy/NPC Vehicle/Unit Template

Basic description of the vehicle or unit. Include when it first appeared and who by (leave out if undiscovered, add later), its typical user or owner (if information is available), its usual opponent types (the units its made to work against) and its performance envelope (mobility, defence, responsiveness, combat intelligence)

Basic RP Statistics

See Damage Rating for an explanation of the damage system.


How high does an adult's head come to stood next to it? How much larger is it than they are? What is the profile of the thing?




A paragraph explaining the kinds of weapons it uses against what opponents. For example, bombardment chain guns for anti-air purposes, laying mines as traps, repeating scatter-guns to brawl at range, explosive weapons which disrupt the surrounding environment to confuse enemies, long-range sniper cannons, etc.

Notable Features

A bullet-point list of basic features that players can list off if they see the thing itself, such as how it moves, what it does, how big it is, what its carrying. Is it fast? Heavy? Large? Cumbersome? Are its movements uncanny, sharp, sporadic, clockwork-like, animal-like, robot-like? Does it make any noteworthy sounds during operation or when using particular equipment?

Special Equipment

A basic outline of its loadout and weaponary. Note these weapons typically must be pre-approved, or they are included as part of the submission (which adds more time to the submission itself).


A basic description of the equipment, where it is located on the unit, how heavy it likely is and its operational envelope (ie what its meant to do). Keep in mind features can be shot off by players or disabled, so write the article with this information in mind – possibly including side-effects If the feature is removed (loss of power, explosion, mobility problems, balance problems, etc). What does it look like?

Aregara Aether Cannon (example, non-canocial)

Optionally carried on the arms of a frame, the Aregara Aether Cannon is a multi-function ranged aether weapon. The weapon resembles a long rectangular barrel with champfered edges and slits akin to the cooling holes on machine-guns and is held not at a conventional handle beneath but along-side and is usually tucked under an arm due to its immense weight and is quite unwieldy for most units.

The weapon also features a large flattened disc drum like collector which sits on the opposite shoulder, opening in use to collect aether before firing. This doubles as an aetheric detection system, sensing subtle changes in surrounding aether and can reduce the effectiveness of field based defensive and mobility systems up to half within a range of 50 kilometers in atmosphere or 220 thousand kilometers in a vacuum.


====== Enemy/NPC Vehicle/Unit Template ======
|Unapproved at this time |
| Image here | 

Basic description of the vehicle or unit. Include when it first appeared and who by (leave out if undiscovered, add later), its typical user or owner (if information is available), its usual opponent types (the units its made to work against) and its performance envelope (mobility, defence, responsiveness, combat intelligence)

===== Basic RP Statistics =====

//See Damage Rating for an explanation of the damage system.//

==== Dimensions ====
How high does an adult's head come to stood next to it? How much larger is it than they are? What is the profile of the thing?

  * Length: X Meters
  * Width: X Meters
  * Height: X Meters
  * Weight: X Tons

==== Mobility ====

  * FTL: Velocity (and duration)
  * STL: Velocity (and maximum range)

==== Endurance ====
  * Hull: (Damage rating)
  * Shields: (damage rating)
  * Additional defensive tools (physical shield, drones, etc)

==== Loadout ====
A paragraph explaining the kinds of weapons it uses against what opponents. For example, bombardment chain guns for anti-air purposes, laying mines as traps, repeating scatter-guns to brawl at range, explosive weapons which disrupt the surrounding environment to confuse enemies, long-range sniper cannons, etc.

===== Notable Features =====
A bullet-point list of basic features that players can list off if they see the thing itself, such as how it moves, what it does, how big it is, what its carrying. Is it fast? Heavy? Large? Cumbersome? Are its movements uncanny, sharp, sporadic, clockwork-like, animal-like, robot-like? Does it make any noteworthy sounds during operation or when using particular equipment?

===== Special Equipment =====
A basic outline of its loadout and weaponary. Note these weapons typically must be pre-approved, or they are included as part of the submission (which adds more time to the submission itself).

==== Feature ====
A basic description of the equipment, where it is located on the unit, how heavy it likely is and its operational envelope (ie what its meant to do). Keep in mind features can be shot off by players or disabled, so write the article with this information in mind -- possibly including side-effects If the feature is removed (loss of power, explosion, mobility problems, balance problems, etc). What does it look like?

  * Range: (if weapon, or if defensive field)
  * Effective range: How long before the shot drifts from aim too much to be effective?
  * Damage rating: (see damage rating system)
  * Round velocity: How fast does the shot actually go? (general suggestions are fine, not concrete numbers)
  * Rate of fire: How many shots a minute?
  * Location: Where it is mounted, if it is integrated, purgable, hand-held, etc

==== Aregara Aether Cannon (example, non-canocial) ====
Optionally carried on the arms of a frame, the Aregara Aether Cannon is a multi-function ranged aether weapon. The weapon resembles a long rectangular barrel with champfered edges and slits akin to the cooling holes on machine-guns and is held not at a conventional handle beneath but along-side and is usually tucked under an arm due to its immense weight and is quite unwieldy for most units.

The weapon also features a large flattened disc drum like collector which sits on the opposite shoulder, opening in use to collect aether before firing. This doubles as an aetheric detection system, sensing subtle changes in surrounding aether and can reduce the effectiveness of field based defensive and mobility systems up to half within a range of 50 kilometers in atmosphere or 220 thousand kilometers in a vacuum.

  * Maximum Range: 1.1 AU (in a vacuum)
  * Effective range: half a million kilometers (in a vacuum), 4.5 kilometers (in atmos)
  * Maximum Round Velocity: 1c (the speed of light, in atmosphere), mach 2.2 (in atmos)
  * Maximum rate of fire: 20 shots a second (reducing other functions to 1% of maximum, 3 shots per minute at maximum performance
  * Location: Hand held, also features a rear aether collection/storage/compression system

  * Other notes: If the collector is destroyed, the range of the Aregara is reduced to 20% of its maximum and will only continue functioning if there is an onboard aether generator from the parent unit to pull from.
