Ammunition Template

This template is used to provide a structure for articles about a type of ammunition.

Ensure your article is in the wip: namespace when you create the article. After it is approved, put ammunition in the items:weapons:ammunition: namespace

====== Ammunition Name (This line becomes page title) ======
⚠️**A condensed version of all the article's information should go here in no shorter than one paragraph. Include Current Users, and Price.**

⚠️**Remember that a weapons Damage Rating is often determined in submission reviews by the highest DR score of its available ammunition.**

Price: {{$products.product_price_ks}}

===== History (Insert Ammo Name Here) =====
⚠️**Insert the In-character reason for designing the ammo in no shorter than one full paragraph. Include the following relevant information in the process:**

  * Must include the date it started being made/used
  * Basic IC history behind the reason for creating/designing the ammo.
  * Relevant designers and persons/people included in the process if applicable (include links).
  * Relevant groups/factions/corporations/companies who aided in its design or that the ammo is intended for use by (include links).

=====General Information=====

^  Nomenclature  |  (Using the Standard International Nomenclature)  |
^  Alt. Nomenclature  | (Any local, faction or internal corporate nomenclature)  |
^  Manufacturer  | (Component and location of manufacture) |
^  Fielded by  |  (Organizations using this component)  |
^  Availability  |  (Prototype, Limited Production, Mass Production)  |
^  Price  |  (Price in KS or DA)  |

==== Ammunition Stats ====
⚠️**Some basic text about the stats, such as highlights, goes here. Include a basic descriptor about what the ammunition looks like in its base form (describe what the cartridge might look like, how big it is, etc.), as well as its optimal range**

^  [[guide:damage_rating_v3|Damage Rating]]  |  (input data)  |
^  Size⚠️(Optional)  |  (input data)  |
^  Caliber  |  (caliber information)  |
^  Damage Description  |  (input data)  |
^  Effective Range  |  +/-(input data)  |
^  Muzzle Velocity⚠️(Optional)  |  (input data)  |
^  Muzzle Blast⚠️(Optional)  |  (input data)  |
^  Recoil |  (input data)  |
^  Energy Source⚠️(OPTIONAL)  |  (input data)  |

==== Variants (OPTIONAL) ====

⚠️**Include here in either the provided table or subheaders that can be put into other relevant articles that use this ammunition. List types or variants of this ammunition from the weakest [[guide:damage_rating_v3|Damage]] to the highest. Such examples are higher velocity ammunition, high explosive, different power cells, etc.**

=== Ammo Type X ===
⚠️**Include here a basic description of what the ammunition variant does compare to the base ammo. Include a description of its effect, damage description to a target, and anything that makes it unique or special.**

^ (Ammuniton Type) Damage Quickchart ^^^
^ Type^ Damage Rating ^ Purpose ^ 
| T | DR | P |
===== OOC Notes =====

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg and Wes created this article.

For a list of other templates, see: Templates