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Star System E-10

E-10 is an uninhabited star system.


E-10 was formerly claimed by the United Outer Colonies, but no colonization effort was actually made.



Planetary Information


E-10-I sustains an orbit near the rather dim star of system E-10. This orbit is close enough to cause the planet to have lost a majority of its atmosphere at one point long ago, however, since then the planet has undergone a small change from its previous state, to something somewhat habitable.


A rather unusual example of a planet, E-10-II is constantly shrouded behind its moon due to the lunar orbit being so terribly slow that it remains between the planet and the system's star at all times. This perpetual eclipse has resulted in E-10-II having very low temperatures which has produced a very cold and inhospitable surface condition.


With less than 5% water on the surface of E-10-III, the planet has simply 'dried up'. Dunes, plains, and vast deserts have dominated the landscape of E-10-III, and present a somewhat welcoming and stable surface for colonization. However, the absence of water proves to be a distinctive downfall of the planet.


The E-10-IV planet is a gas giant which is largely unremarkable other than its rather stable atmosphere which presents a distinctive possibility for gas gathering. Other than that, the planet is largely unremarkable.

System Edge

The edge of the E-10 system is comprised of a 20 AU sphere of asteroids of various compositions which have failed to have been drawn into the formation of the E-10 planets and star, thus explaining the very short lifespan of the star. Along with the asteroid field, a hefty sum of particulates and gases are present in the outer reaches of the system.

OOC Notes

FIXME needs formatting updates:

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